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tod [tɔd] n
gen. 托德羊毛重量单位,等于12.7公斤; ; 狐狸; 狡猾的人; 常春藤的; ; 托德羊毛重单位,=28磅
busin. 托德羊毛、毛条重量单位,==28 磅
tech. 繁茂处; 灌木丛
TOD [tɔd] n
chem. 总需氧量
 English thesaurus
TOD [tɔd] abbr.
abbr. Teacher Of The Deaf; Teen Open Diary; Temple Of Doom; Time- Out Detection; Toddy Or A Drink; Training On Demand; Transfer On Death; Technical Objective Documents; Top Of Duct; threshold of detectability; time of department
abbr., amer. Torque-on-Demand car drive system (Val_Ships)
abbr., auto. torque-on-demand; torque over/drive
abbr., avia. Tioman, Malaysia; takeoff distance; ticket origin and destination; technical data and documents; take off dry; task order directive; task oriented data; technical design directive; time of descent
abbr., busin. today
abbr., el. time-oriented databank (system); tunable optical device
abbr., el., scient. Tools On Demand
abbr., IT TO Dvorak
abbr., law Touch Of Death
abbr., med. Right Eye Tension (Lat. Oculus Dexter); Turk Ortodonti Dernegi. Turkish Orthodontic Society; target organ damage (iwona)
abbr., mil. Time Of Departure; Trade- Off Determination; Trail Of Dead; Turntables Of Death; Tactical Ocean Data (tm); tactical ocean data
abbr., multimed. telecommunications device for the deaf
abbr., O&G, casp. turnover dossier (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sakh. top of deck
abbr., oil top of dike; theoretical oxygen demand; tubing outside diameter
abbr., police Tactical Operations Division; Traffic Operations District; time of death (Val_Ships)
abbr., polym. thermo-oxidative degradation
abbr., scottish Take-Off Distance; Thermal Observation Device; Time Of Dispatch
abbr., space technical objective document
abbr., st.exch. Todd Shipyards Corporation; Transitional Ownership Document
abbr., tech. tube outside diameter (Technical)
abbr., telecom. time division duplex
abbr., tradem. Terry Oldfield Discography
abbr., transp. Tickets On Departure; Time Of Delivery; Torque On Demand; Transit Oriented Development
comp. time-of-day
ecol. total oxygen demand
energ.ind. time-of-day rates
meteorol. top of descent
mil. target-oriented display; technical objective directive; technical operations department; test operations directorate; theater-oriented depot; time of day; time of delivery; time of departure; tour of duty; trade-off determination
tech. time of dispatch of signal; time-oriented databank; turnover device
Tod [tɔd] abbr.
abbr., oil Todilto
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects