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swr abbr.
abbr. steel-wire rope
SWR abbr.
abbr. Shaun William Ryder; Stimpy's Wicked Rectum; switch rails; The Shit Works Right
abbr., auto. standing wave ration
abbr., avia. Silur, Papua New Guinea
abbr., dril. synthetic-to-water ratio
abbr., el. standing-wave ratio; single wafer reactor
abbr., el., scient. Semiconductor Wafer Representation; Standing Wave Ratio
abbr., expl. spin wave resonance
abbr., law Swindle Without Remorse
abbr., Makarov. standing-wave factor
abbr., med. serum Wassermann reaction
abbr., media. Suedwestdeutscher Rundfunk
abbr., mil. Self Witnessing Reports; Surface Wave Radar
abbr., oil synthetic water ratio
abbr., opt. short-wave radiation
abbr., tech. solid waste recycling (Koretskaya); standing wave ratio
abbr., tradem. Spelling Writing Reading
mil. Southwest Region; special warning receiver; surface-wave radar
railw. steel wire rope
tech. service water reservoir; sodium-water reaction; spin-wave resonance; steam/water reservoir; submarine water reactor
Swr abbr.
abbr. residual water saturation
SWR abbr.
abbr. software radio; shadow wage rate
abbr., avia. standing wave ratio (voltage)
abbr., busin. SWC (MichaelBurov); simple warehouse certificate (MichaelBurov); simple warehouse receipt (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. shower; square wave response; standing-wave ratio
abbr., oil saturation water ratio; sea water return; Statewide Rules
abbr., space short wavelength radiation
swr: 1 phrase in 1 subject