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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
sur- n
gen. 词头; ; ; ; 词头; ; ; ; ; ; ; 辅助; 下级; 从属; 次要; 第二位; 近于; 稍微; 略微; 有点; 不全; 不足; ; 部分; 下面; 底下; …之; 往下; 进一步; 再次; ; ; ; 近乎; 暗底; 私下
Sur [sɜ:] n
anim.husb. 苏尔羊卡拉库尔羊变种之一,金黄色或野灰色。羔皮价高
SUR [sɜ:] abbr.
sport. 苏里南 (National Olympic Committee)
 English thesaurus
sur [sɜ:] abbr.
abbr., busin. surcharge; surveyor
abbr., oil surveying
agric. surplus
O&G survey
sur. abbr.
abbr. surface; surplus; surveyor
abbr., econ. surcharge
SUR [sɜ:] abbr.
abbr. Southern United Raza; Southern United Razi; surface; survivor
abbr., avia. Summer Beaver, Ontario, Canada
abbr., dril. survey (usually refers to a magnetic survey done to determine position of hole relative to the surface location)
abbr., ed. Silent Uninterrupted Reading
abbr., el. setup register; software user report; software utility routine; speech understanding research
abbr., fin. seemingly unrelated regression; Surveillance document
abbr., IT Something U Really
abbr., med. Society Of Uroradiology
abbr., mil. Small Unit Radio
abbr., mil., air.def. standard update rate
abbr., mil., avia. Surinam
abbr., nautic. Seafarers' Union of Russia (MichaelBurov)
abbr., physiol., med. Sulfonylurea Receptor
abbr., scottish Supply Unit Rectifier
abbr., sport. See Us Run
abbr., st.exch. CNA Surety Corporation
energ.ind. startup rate
mil. small unit radio
tech. start-up rate
Sur. abbr.
abbr. Surinam
abbr., earth.sc. survey
geogr. Suriname (Vosoni)
Sur [sɜ:] abbr.
abbr. thiouracil
Suʳ abbr.
abbr., genet. sulfonamide resistance
SUR [sɜ:] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. specific uptake rate; successive underrelaxation
sur: 34 phrases in 12 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Desert science2
International trade1
Textile industry9