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 English thesaurus
STR abbr.
abbr., bank. suspicious transaction reporting (Erba Fresca)
abbr., toxicol. sterigmatocystin (igisheva)
str abbr.
abbr., busin. strike; strong
abbr., dril. steamer; stroke
abbr., earth.sc. stratiformis
abbr., mil. strength STR
cartogr. stripes
IT store
tech. steering (Technical)
str. abbr.
abbr. straight; string; steamer (Vosoni)
abbr., construct. stringer
abbr., earth.sc. stream; stroke
abbr., sport. stretch
abbr., tech. stringers
STR abbr.
abbr. Section Township Range; Southern Tropical Region; Sustained Transfer Rate; suspicious transaction report (Alexander Matytsin); Season Ticket Renewal; Separation Transformation Reintegration; Short Tandem Repeat; Short Term Revitalization; Software Testing Regimens; Sony Tough Receiver; stack temperature rise (Millie); Standard Taxiway Routing; straight; strainer; stripping; structural; Stupid Troubled Rocker; Subject to Regularization (напр., о визе makhno); Sun Training Room; suspicious transaction (Alexander Matytsin); Synchronous Transmit Receive
abbr., account. substantive test risk
abbr., avia. sustained turn rate; simulation test report; strength test report; search and tracking radar; sliding track; system technology radar; system trouble report; system test report
abbr., bank. travel (MichaelBurov)
abbr., biol. short terminal repeat
abbr., biotechn. sequence tandem repeat
abbr., busin. start; surface transport
abbr., chem. spot test reagent
abbr., commer. special trade representative
abbr., comp., net. synchronous transmitter-receiver; synchronous transmitter/receiver
abbr., comp., net., IT Send Terminate Request
abbr., dril. side tracked hole
abbr., earth.sc. staurolite; study tour report; subtropical ridge
abbr., el. scanning total reflection method; self-tuning regulator; sidetone reduction; signaling terminal regional; soft terminal reset; speed-tolerant recording; state-and-time-dependent routing; status register; strobe; symbol timing recovery (subsystem); synchronous transfer region
abbr., electric. starting rheostat
abbr., file.ext. Structure list object file (dBASE Application Generator)
abbr., IT Gate3 table structure file; Store Task Register
abbr., law Stand To Reason
abbr., med. Slow-twitch Red (skeletal Muscle); Society Of Thoracic Radiology; Short Tandem Repeats; ST-resolution (harser); Soft Tissue Reshaping (ННатальЯ); Society of Therapeutic Radiologists; Stratford
abbr., media. Spot The Reference
abbr., mil. Software Test Report; Software Trouble Report; Strength; Surplus To Requirements
abbr., mil., air.def. synchronous transmit/receive
abbr., mol.gen. simple tandem repeat (Игорь_2006)
abbr., nautic. Stuttgart, Germany
abbr., O&G, sakh. steer; street (e.g., street fitting)
abbr., oil special trade representative for negotiation; structure
abbr., pharm. single-tablet regimen (iwona)
abbr., physiol., med. Straight; Strain
abbr., progr., IT Suspend To Ram
abbr., qual.cont. service trouble report
abbr., railw. Shawnee Terminal Railway Company
abbr., scottish Sidetone Ranging modulation; Sonar Transmit / Receive; Standard Test Rack; Support Tournant sur Rail (Rail-mounted rotary mount (France)); Systems Technology Radar
abbr., space scanning TV radiometer; service trials report; short time rating; simple timing recovery; storage rack
abbr., sport. short tandem repeat
abbr., st.exch. Questar Corporation
abbr., tradem. Smoke Tree Ranch
energ.ind. shield test reactor; stirred-tank reactor
mil. scientific and technological research; scientific technical report; sea test range; sea transport regulations; search and track radar; service test review; sheltered tactical radio; Southern test range; standard training requirements; strategic training range; summary technical report; super transportable radar; synchronous transmitter receiver; system test review
tech. special theory of relativity; startup transformer; stringer; submarine thermal reactor; symbol-timing recovery; synchronous transmit-receive
Str abbr.
abbr. strait; stream; strength
abbr., busin. St structural steel
abbr., earth.sc. string
abbr., med. Streptococcus
abbr., oil Strawn; Strunian
Str. abbr.
abbr. strength; strong; Strange's King's Bench Reports
abbr., earth.sc. strait
€STR abbr.
fin. Euro Short-Term Rate ('More)
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects