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septic tank ['septɪktæŋk]
agric. 下水池; 化污池
anim.husb. 澄粪池
chem. 厌氧菌处理槽
environ. 腐败的水池
hygien. 腐化槽
nucl.pow. 化粪池
tech. 厌氧处理槽; 污水池; 腐化池; 厕所污水处理池; 污物处理池
septic tank A tank, usually underground, into which sewage flows, the deposited matter being wholly, or partially broken down through anaerobic action. The final effluent may be allowed to soak into the ground through a system of agricultural drains, if the soil is suitable. Alternatively, the tank must be emptied at regular intervals by a special road-tanker ['septɪktæŋk]
environ. 腐败罐 (一个罐子,通常在地底,在罐子里污水全部或部分发酵分解。如果土壤适合,最后剩余的液体可能通过农业排水系统渗透到土里。反之,罐子必须定期通过特殊的运输车来清空。)
ecol. 化粪池
 English thesaurus
septic tank ['septɪktæŋk]
abbr., cockney Yank (Cockney rhyming slang for "Yank" (slang for an American) rice.edu Childofsky)
septic tank
: 29 phrases in 4 subjects
Rail transport1
Water resources1