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seed money ['si:d'mʌnɪ]
busin. 创始基金资金; 创办基金
corp.gov. 创办费; 原始经费
econ. 种子基金用来吸引更多的资金
fin. 种子资金
interntl.trade. 种子款项; 本钱
securit. 种子基金用来吸引更多资金的本金; 创始资本
tech. 项目实施费用; 种子基金; 原始资金
 English thesaurus
seed money ['si:d'mʌnɪ]
invest. a form of securities offering in which an investor invests capital in a startup company in exchange for an equity stake or convertible note stake in the company (sometimes known as seed funding or seed capital wikipedia.org)
seed money: 4 phrases in 2 subjects