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sea bed exploitation Marine mineral resources extend far beyond those presently exploited; minerals are derived from two separate types of marine sources: from sedimentary deposits underlying the continental shelves and from inshore deposits on the surface of the continental shelves. By far the most valuable of the mineral resources exploited from marine environments is petroleum. Offshore placer deposits on the surface of the continental shelves yield gold, platinum, and tin. On the floors of the world's oceans manganese nodules are found as a result of pelagic sedimentation or precipitation; they are small, irregular, black to brown, friable, laminated concretionary masses consisting primarily of manganese salts and manganese-oxide minerals
environ. 海底开采 (海洋的矿物资源比现在开采出的多得多;矿物从俩种不同的海洋资源中获得:从构成大陆架的沉积物和从在大陆架表面的近海岸的沉积物。到目前为止,从海里开采出的最有价值的矿物资源是石油。大陆架的表面近海的冲积矿淤积产生金子、白金和锡。从大洋地面的远洋沉淀中找到锰结核;它们是小的、不规则的、黑色或棕色的、易碎的、大量薄片块状的,主要由锰盐和锰氧化物金属组成。)