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noun | verb | to phrases
scallops n
ichtyol. 扇贝; 扇贝科 Pectinidae
met. 粗糙度; 凹坑; 轧件表面粗糙度
securit. 扇形走势技术分析
tech. 扇形凹口; 贝壳型
scallop ['skɔləp] n
gen. 轧制表面的粗糙度; 扇形凹口; 凹坑毛边; 竖缘毛边现象; 耳子; 花槽; 荷叶〔月牙〕边; 裙状花边; 贝壳; 扇形
archit. 贝壳; 饰扇形皱褶; 壳形图案
auto. 轧制表面粗糙度; 波纹饰; 扇形凹口为减小轮辐与轮辋的接触面积,轮缘内侧有一圈凸起的扇形面,该面与轮辋形成扇形凹口
avia. 成扇形
cook. 扇贝
dermat. 使成扇形
fishery 海扇属 Pecten; 扇贝 Pecten
morph., bot., biol. 西葫芦密生西葫芦,Cucurbita pepo var. melopepo L.; Cucurbita pepo var. condensa L.,葫芦科; 海扇 (Pecten sp.)
morph., fish.farm. 海扇壳
nautic., tech. 扇形孔
oil 海扇
tech. 卵形洼地; 刷帮; 扇形花纹; 垂直像素畸变; 贝壳形花纹; 贝壳饰; 屋檐板扇形饰; 粗糙不平的毛边; 切成扇形; 凹坑; 避开焊缝交叉的焊缝缺口; 焊缝断开槽
textile 扇形饰边; 月牙边; 荷叶边; 扇形边
scallop ['skɔləp] v
gen. 弄〔切〕成扇形; 将食品焙烘
archit. 扇形皱褶; 成扇形
 English thesaurus
scallop ['skɔləp] n
fish.farm. kapica svetog jakova (Aequipecten gibbus, Amusium balloti, Argopecten irradians, Chlamys delicatula, Chlamys islandica, Chlamys opercularis, Chlamys varius, Pecten aequisuleatus, Pecten jacobaeus, Pecten laqueatus, Pecten magellanicus, placopecten magellanicus, Pecten maximum, Pecten meridionalis, Pecten novaezelandiae, Pecten varius, Pecten yessoensis, Platinopecten caurinus)
jewl. An edge of a piece of jewelry that is scalloped or has a curved edge created from multiple half circles.
SCALLOP ['skɔləp] abbr.
abbr., oil scalloped retrievable through-tubing perforator
scallops: 71 phrases in 8 subjects
Desert science1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Textile industry23