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noun | verb | to phrases
samba ['sæmbə] n
gen. 桑巴舞曲; 黑人与印第安人或欧洲人的混血儿
acrob. 桑巴舞
bot. 硬木三鳞茎 Triplochiton scleroxylon
fig.skat. 桑巴
samba ['sæmbə] v
gen. 跳桑巴舞
 English thesaurus
SAMBA ['sæmbə] abbr.
abbr., el. system for advanced mobile broadband applications
abbr., IT Statistical Algorithmic Method For Bicluster Analysis
abbr., med. Society Of Ambulatory Anesthesia
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite for the measurement of background anisotropies
samba: 10 phrases in 3 subjects
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