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row. 驾驶
sail.ships 帆桁
skydive. 带伞飞翔; 伞翼
space 航行;
textile 开航; 开船
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met. 炉底
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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
sail [seɪl] n
gen. 游览; 风,船; 风车; 用作复数帆船; 飞船…艘; 滑翔机; 航行距离; 航行力; 鹦鹉螺的触器; 旗鱼的脊鳍; 甲板、矿井上用的漏斗状帆布通风筒; 潜艇的潜望塔; 制〔修〕帆工; 风车的翼板; 船帆
agric. 出海; 轮翼; 搂耙装置摇臂收割机
archit. ; 帆船; 航程
avia. 滑翔飞行; 水上飞机在水面航行 (尤指在有风的情况下); 帆状物; 太阳帆; 指挥台围壳 (潜艇艇壳上方的突出部分,亦称 fin, bridge fin, 舰桥整流罩,过去称为 conning tower 指挥台); 翼尖小翼
avia., inf. 雷达天线
econ. 单复同; 启航; 坐船 (游览); 航行于; 漂过; "撒盐"美国工会的一种策略, 指已经被付酬的工会组织者还变相地从某个企业取酬的现象
exhib. 离港
HR 虚报
hydroel.st. ; 航行; 船只;
row. 驾驶; 持续时间
sail.ships 帆桁
skydive. 带伞飞翔; 伞翼; 伞翼蓬
space 海上航行; (只)
tech. 海上航行
textile 开航; 开船
wind. 帆片; 风帆
Sail [seɪl] n
auto. 赛欧上海通用雪佛兰的一种车型品牌
oil 地震波阻抗测井曲线估计 (Conoco 上标)
sail [seɪl] v
gen. 乘船航行; 航行于,越过; 禽类游泳; 飘浮; 平稳地飞行; 翱翔; 女子步态优美地走走过,通过; 导航
archit. 扬帆行驶; 张帆; 驾船; 滑翔
econ. 驾驶 (船只)
row. 驾帆
sailed v
busin. 已启航; 已启碇
tech. 已开航
 English thesaurus
sail [seɪl] abbr.
abbr. structural analysis input language
SAIL [seɪl] abbr.
abbr. Services Assisting Independent Living; Services To Assist Independent Living; Supper And Intergenerational Learning; Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (language, USA)
abbr., AI. SAIL (Programmiersprache der KI)
abbr., bible.term., scient. Service And Achievement In The Library
abbr., ed. Student Assistance In Learning; Summer Academic Institute For Learning; Summer Adventures In Learning
abbr., ed., scient. Sehome Alternative Instructional Lab; Student Assistance And Intervention Liaison; Supporting Academic And Intellectual Leadership
abbr., el. self-aligned isolation process
abbr., IT Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
abbr., mil. Secretary of the Army, Installations, Logistics, and Environment
abbr., mil., avia. Sea-Air Interaction Laboratory
abbr., mil., WMD significant actions and items list
abbr., mining. Steel Authority of India Ltd (kat_j)
abbr., scottish Sonar / Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (USA)
tech. shuttle avionics integration laboratory
Sail [seɪl] n
tradem. Steel Authority of India Ltd. (Индия)
sailed abbr.
abbr. sld. (Vosoni)
SAIL [seɪl] abbr.
abbr. Single Alternative Inspection Location (SAIL was brought in under the Companies Act 2006 which took effect on 1 October 2009. The purpose of SAIL is for the director to provide Companies House with the address of where their company records and registers are kept if it is not kept at the registered office address. // Спасибо пользователю Dmitry Livanov 4uz)
abbr., earth.sc. State-owned Steel Authority of India, Ltd.; Steel Authority India, Ltd.
abbr., law Single Alternative Inspection Location addres (Companies Act 2006 // Спасибо пользователю Dmitry Livanov 4uzhoj); Single Alternative Inspection Location (4uzhoj)
abbr., oil seismic acoustic impedance log
sail on bottom
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