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runway visual range
gen. 跑道可见范围
avia. 跑道目视距离; 跑道灯目视距离; 跑道视程; 跑道能见距离 (从跑道中心线特定点上与接地处飞行员眼睛平均高度对应的高度看,沿起飞或着陆方向能见到的跑道、标示跑道的特定指示灯或是标志的最大距离。大约16ft (6m )的高度被认为对应于接地时飞行员眼睛的平均高度。在实践中,跑道能见距离并不能从定义中的特定位置去直接测量,而是飞行员从该位置能看到的距离的估计量。这个系统由一个视距测量探照灯及相关物品、一个视距测量接收器以及相关物品、一个记录器、一个信号数据转换器以及相关物品、一个遥控数字或是遥控显示程序装置组成)
el. 跑道能见距离
navig. 跑道可视距离
tech. 跑道视距
 English thesaurus
runway visual range
avia., amer. In respect of a runway, the maximum horizontal distance in feet for the direction of takeoff or landing, as measured by an automated visual landing distance system and reported by an ATC unit or an FSS, at which the runway, or the lights or markers delineating it, can be seen from a point above its centreline at a height corresponding to the average eye level of pilots at touchdown
Runway Visual Range
abbr., scottish RVR
runway visual range
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects