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RSV abbr.
chem. 劳氏肉瘤病毒 (Rous sarcoma virus)
 English thesaurus
RSV abbr.
abbr. Research And Supply Vessel; reserve; Revised Standard Edition; rice stripe virus
abbr., auto. research safety vehicle
abbr., avia. rotated section view
abbr., chem., scient. Reduced Specific Viscosity
abbr., commun. radio supervisor
abbr., comp., net., IT Remote Support Viewing
abbr., el. remote supervisory (equipment); request service; reheat stop valve
abbr., IT Retrieval Status Value
abbr., math., scient. Relevance Status Value
abbr., med. Regurgitant Stroke Volume; Respiratory Syncytial Virus; Right Subclavian Vein; Rous Sarcoma Virus; Respiratory Syncitial Virus; Research and Supply Vessel; RS virus (MichaelBurov); RS-virus (MichaelBurov); right subclavian vein (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., media. RMS Standard Value for AM Broadcasting
abbr., mil., avia. reconnaissance and surveillance vehicle
abbr., mil., WMD random selective visit (ekshu)
abbr., oil random sine vibration; recycle split-vapor process; remove shutoff valve; revenue sharing agreement; rolling sphere viscometer; rotating spindle viscometer
abbr., physiol., med. Robertson Selection Value
abbr., progr. retrieval status value (ssn)
abbr., relig. Revised Standard Version
abbr., scottish Re-Supply Vehicle; Route Survey Vessel
abbr., securit. row stochastic value
mil. reconnaissance scout vehicle; resupply vehicle
O&G remote setpoint value
tech. Rouse sarcoma virus
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects