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roc [rɒk, rɑːk] n
gen. 阿拉伯传说中的大鹏; 大鹏式制导导弹; 无线电制导的电视瞄准导弹
ROC [rɒk, rɑːk] n
proj.manag. 变动率
Roc [rɒk, rɑːk] n
tech. 罗克 (电导率单位)
 English thesaurus
roc [rɒk, rɑːk] abbr.
abbr. reciprocal ohm centimetre
ROC [rɒk, rɑːk] abbr.
abbr. Receiver Operator Characteristics; Redwall Online Community; Regional Oversight Committee; Registrar Of Companies; Rock Out Censorship; Russian Organized Crime; Russian Olympic Committee ('More); Greater Rochester International Airport, Rochester, New York USA; Radical Outreach For Christ; RAID On a Chip (RAID); Rail Operations Center; Raps On Contact; rate of change (Lavrov); Reach Out For Christ; Reaching Others For Christ; Reaching Out For Christ; Reactive Opponent Control; Real Outrageous Character; Reality Of Combat; Receive Operating Characteristic; Reciever Operating Characteristic; Reconnaissance Operations Center; Reduce Oil Consumption; Region Operating Committee; Regional Operations Center; Regional OPMET Center; Rejects Of Cramer; Reliance On The Christ; Relying On Christ; Remote Object Communications; Remote Operations Center (Lucym); Renewables Obligation Certificate; Representative Of Christ; Representatives Of Christ; Republic Of China Taiwan Fund; Republic Of Confusion; Republic Of Crime; Required Operational Capacity; Response Operator Curve; Rest of Canada (как противопоставление франкоязычной Yanick); Rest Of Country; Restore Old Color; Rolling Outcome Chart; Running On Credit; rate of cooling (@ndreas); recovery of capital
abbr., auto. relay output check
abbr., automat. remote outlet clusters
abbr., avia. rate of climb; radar optics controller; read out counter; required for operational capability; resolution of comment
abbr., avia., med. receiver operating characteristic (curve)
abbr., BrE Royal Ordnance Corps
abbr., busin. Record of Conversation (S. Manyakin)
abbr., disast. recovery operations center (Georgy Moiseenko)
abbr., ed., scient. Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum; Residents On Campus
abbr., el. radius of curvature; readout counter; receive-only center; reduced overlap capacitance process; Regional Operating Company; region of convergence
abbr., el., scient. Receiver Operating Curve; Remote Operation Control
abbr., insur. Reference our cable
abbr., IT Recovery Oriented Computing; Rank Order Clustering
abbr., law Reconstruction Of Color
abbr., meteorol. rural outpatient clinic (Vladimir71); receiver-operating-characteristic
abbr., microel. rugged operational computer (Yakov)
abbr., mil. Receiver Operating Characteristics; Regional Operation Center; Reign Of Chaos; Remote Operations Controller; Required Operational Capability; Rules Of Conduct; Ruggedized Optical Connector; regional operations center; rehearsal of concept
abbr., mil., avia. range-only correlation
abbr., nautic. Rochester Ny, U.S.A.
abbr., oil retention on cuttings (sheetikoff)
abbr., oncol. Report On Carcinogens
abbr., opt. receiver operating curve
abbr., polit. Republic Of China; Republic Of Cyprus
abbr., qual.cont. reliability operating characteristic
abbr., radio, scient. Receiver Operating Characteristic
abbr., relig. Russian Orthodox Church
abbr., scient. Radar Operations Center
abbr., scottish Rate Of Climb; Regional Operating Centre; Republic of Congo (Brazzaville); Required Operational Capabilities; Royal Observer Corps (UK)
abbr., tech. Rated Operating Capacity (translator911); required obstacle clearance; required obstruction clearance
abbr., transp. Greater Rochester International Airport
ecol. residual organic carbon
invest. return on capital
mil. range operations center; reconnaissance and operations center; reduced operating costs; reduced operational capability; regional operating center; regional operational command; regional operational control; reliability operating characteristics; remote operator's console; request of change; required operational capability; required operational characteristics; reserve officer candidate
tech. range only correlation; receive only center; recoverable orbital carrier; reduced operating cost; reusable orbital carrier
ROCS abbr.
abbr. Regional Oceans Conference For Students; regional OPMET centers
abbr., el. range-only correlation system
abbr., metro rigid overhead contact system (  helen_ar)
abbr., mil. Radio Operated Combat System; Real Time Operations Control System; Retirees Offering Community Service
abbr., space range operations control system
tech. range only correlation system
Roc [rɒk, rɑːk] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. rock
ROCs abbr.
abbr., med. receptor-operated calcium channels
abbr., oil reactive organic compounds
RoC [rɒk, rɑːk] n
comp. RAID-on-Chip (технология применения в RAID-контроллерах двухъядерных чипов Amica_S)
ROC [rɒk, rɑːk] abbr.
abbr. Royal Observer Corps
abbr., busin. refer to our cable; reference to our cable; referring to our cable
abbr., commer. re our cable
abbr., oil radius-of-curvature; reactive organic compounds; residual oil catalytic cracking
abbr., space receive only control
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Air defense1