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 English thesaurus
resp abbr.
abbr. respective; respirator; respondent; responder; responsibility; responsible
abbr., busin. respecting; respond
abbr., econ. respectively
agric. respiratory
biol. respiration
resp. abbr.
gen. and/or (Germanism meaning and / or (Beziehungsweise) MingNa)
abbr. respecting; respondent; respiration; response
abbr., earth.sc. respective
abbr., radio responder
lat. Respublica ("republic")
polym. respectively
RESP abbr.
abbr. Respironics, Inc.; response
abbr., el. regulated electrical supply package
abbr., IT Registered Education Savings Plan
abbr., mil., avia. regulated electrical supply package
abbr., st.exch. Registered Estate Savings Plan
Resp. abbr.
lat. Responsum ("reply")
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
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