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noun | noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
prep [prep] n
gen. 预习; 预〔准〕备; 进行预备训练; 进预备学校
prep. n
proj.manag. 除…之外; 不包括
prep [prep] n
gen. 预备功课; 家庭作业; 预习自修时间; 预备学校; 预科学生
polo. 试跑
sport. 新手
prep [prep] adj.
gen. 预〔准〕备的
 English thesaurus
prep [prep] abbr.
abbr., inf. first-year student (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., med. preoperative
prep. abbr.
abbr. prepared
abbr., commer. preparatory
abbr., earth.sc. preparation
abbr., gram. preposition (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/prep?showCookiePolicy=true ssn)
PREP [prep] abbr.
abbr. Preparedness and Response Enhancement Programme
abbr., avia. part reliability enhancement programme
abbr., el. Programmable Electronics Performance Corp.
abbr., fin. Press Report
abbr., mil., avia. plasma rotating electrode process
abbr., powd.met. plasma rotating electrode process (Yuriy Sokha)
abbr., space part-reliability enhancement programmer; plasma rotating electrode processing
PReP [prep] abbr.
abbr., el. PowerPC reference platform specification
Prep. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. prepare
prep [prep] n
gram. preposition
inf. preparatory
med. preparation (Here's what to expect in the prep area when you're about to have surgery.; for surgery Val_Ships)
mil. prepare
PREP [prep] abbr.
abbr. Pacific Range Electromagnetic Platform; Partnering Resources To Encourage Productivity; Personal Responsibility Education Process; Point Rating Evaluation Plan; Post Registration Education Practice
abbr., comp., net. PowerPC Reference Platform
abbr., ed. Pass Reading Enhancement Program
abbr., file.ext. Power PC Reference Platform (IBM/Motorola)
abbr., law Prevention And Relationship Enhancement Program
abbr., med. Pediatrics Review And Education Program; Pediatrics Review and Education Program; Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
abbr., mil. Preparation
abbr., relig. Parish Religious Education Program
mil. peacetime requirements and procedures; predischarge education program; product reliability evaluation program
tech. production reliability evaluation program; programmed educational package
PrEP [prep] abbr.
abbr. pre-exposure prophylaxis (предэкспозиционная профилактика Dimpassy)
prep [prep] abbr.
mil., lingo preparatory (MichaelBurov)
PREP [prep] abbr.
abbr., avia. partial reliability enhancement programme; pilot's reference eye position
abbr., busin. prepared
abbr., law Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (vgsankov)
: 14 phrases in 7 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal2
Project management1