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pps n
multimed. 数据包/秒 (packets per second)
chem. 聚癸二酸丙二醇酯 (polypropylene sebacate); 聚癸二酸亚丙基酯
 English thesaurus
pps abbr.
abbr. pounds per second; pulse per second; Packets per Second
abbr., el. pulses per second
abbr., hydroel.st. period per second
polym. periods per second
PPS abbr.
abbr. Packets Per Second; Pages Per Side; Palmers Pursuit Shop; Parabolic Projection System; Parallel Processing System; Parliamentary Private Secretary; Participants Per School; Partnership For Public Service; Partnership for Public Services; Pattern Probability Strategy; Paul's Post Script; Payment Processing Service; Philosophy Paradigm Studies; Photosynthetic Pigment Systems; Pied Piper Sampling; Pittsburgh Public School; Pixels Per Second; Please Pay Something; Polygons Per Second; PolyPhenylene Sulfide (Plastic); purge and prelight system; performance presentation standards; protect payments system; Plant Protection Service; Post Polio Syndrome; Post Post Script; Post Postal Service; Post Propertys, Inc.; Post-Production Support; PostPostScriptum; Practical Project Steering; Pray Patients Survive; Precise Position Service; Precision and Positioning Service; Preferred Provider Services; Price Per Share; Probability Proportionate To Size; Product Process And System; Production Planning And Steering; Professional Personal Skills; Professional Protection Specialist; Progressive Power Steering; Project Performance Summary; Prospect Payment System; Protocol And Parameter Selection; Provider Power Series; Public Packet Switching (network); Pulses Per Second; Pupil Personnel Services; Purely Panic Stricken; Pioneer Petrotech Services Inc. (is a global leader in research, development, and manufacturing of high quality downhole pressure and temperature gauges Johnny Bravo)
abbr., anim.husb. Plant Protection Society (China)
abbr., auto. accelerator pedal position sensor; ported pressure switch (Ford); passenger perceptionpresence system; pedal position sensor; peripheral pressure sensor
abbr., automat. production planning system
abbr., avia. power plant station; Preflight Planning System (Система Предполетного Планирования elena.kazan); partner provided service; passenger payloads system; piece part specification; pilot performance system; power plant system; pre-positioned stocks; program project plan/schedule; provisioning parts schedule; precision positioning service
abbr., avia., Canada present position symbol
abbr., bus.styl. personal pension scheme
abbr., chem. Phenyl Polysulfide (I. Havkin); particle-prepared in situ method
abbr., clin.trial. Per-Protocol Set (coltuclu)
abbr., comp., net. packet per second
abbr., construct. Portable Pipelay System (svetlova)
abbr., el. page printing system; path protection switching; pay per series; pay per subscription; peripheral processor system; phased program structure; picture processing simulator; piezo potential scattering; point-to-point system; porous polycrystalline silicon (film); precise positioning system; programmable patch system; program performance specification; pure packet switching
abbr., electr.eng. positive phase sequence
abbr., file.ext. Microsoft Power Point Slide; Personal Producer Storyboard; Power Personal Systems (IBM); Power Point Slide
abbr., forestr. probability proportional to size sampling
abbr., IT personal publishing system
abbr., lat. Post PostScriptum (Vosoni)
abbr., law Private Pension Scheme (Yanamahan)
abbr., Makarov. positive phase-sequence
abbr., med. Pelvic Pain Syndrome; Peyer's Patches; Phosphoprotein Phosphatases; Physician, Patient And Society; Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome; Post-polio Syndrome; Postpartum Psychiatric Syndromes; Postperfusion Syndrome; Postpericardiotomy Syndrome; Postpolio Syndrome; Postpump Syndrome; Primary Acquired Preleukemic Syndrome; Prospective Payment System; Protein Plasma Substitute; pain producing substance
abbr., med.appl. proportional pressure support (ИВЛ harser)
abbr., mil. Personal Power Source (qwarty); Precision Positioning Service; Program Performance Specifications; Political Policy Statement
abbr., mil., air.def. precise positioning
abbr., mil., avia. payload pointing system
abbr., O&G Porosity Permeability Saturation (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil Produetion Parker Setting (glenfoo)
abbr., physiol. Paradoxical Parasympathetic Syndrome
abbr., plast. polyphenyl sulfide
abbr., polym. Ryton (kotechek); polyphenylene sulphide; porous by precipitator and solvent; poly (phenylene sulfide)
abbr., scottish Patrulno-Postovaya Sluzhba (Moscow police force unit (Russia)); Photovoltaic Power System; Precision Pointing System; Pulse/d Power Supply
abbr., sol.pow. photo power plant (MichaelBurov); photo power station (MichaelBurov)
abbr., stat. Probability-proportionate-to-size (Millie)
abbr., survey. Principal Point of Symmetry (Cartograph)
abbr., tech. pulses per second
comp. precise positioning service
energ.ind. physical protection system; plant protective system; power plant school; primary protection system
invest. prior preferred stock
mil. partial pressure sensor; parts provisioning system; personnel processing squadron; personnel/payroll system; photovoltaic power supply; pilot's performance system; plant protection system; prepositioned stock; primary power source; primary power system; primary propulsion system; program planning system; programmable power supply; projected planning system; provisioning performance schedule
plast. Polyphenylene Sulfide
tech. photopolarimeter subsystem; pictures per second; plutonium product storage; polyprocessor system; protons per second
PPs abbr.
abbr. political prisoners (igisheva)
.PPS n
IT application/mspowerpoint
PPS abbr.
abbr. peripheral power supply; prepaid service; phenyl phosphosulfate
abbr., avia. passenger processing system
abbr., chem. phenyl phenacylsulfide
abbr., earth.sc. photographic processing system; picture per second; plasma power supply; precipitation particle spectrometer; precipitation processing subsystem; precision processing subsystem; problem processing system; production processing subsystem
abbr., EBRD project planning and steering system (oVoD)
abbr., med. point prevalence survey (Millie); point prevalence study (Millie)
abbr., O&G. tech. Pipeline Protection System (Система защиты трубопроводов от коррозии ElviVine)
abbr., oil partly productive structure; polypropylene sebacate; polypropylene sulfonate; pre-packing screen; precise precision positioning service; production packer & retainer setting; production packer service; public product service
abbr., space passive pixel sensor; payload pointing system; peripheral processing system; picture perception system; pneumatic power subsystem
abbr., textile post production service
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
Textile industry1