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pp abbr.
chem.fib. 聚丙烯
el.mach. 正负峰间波动
sport., med. 高猛酸钾
PP abbr.
textile 加工
 English thesaurus
pp abbr.
abbr. physical properties; pickpocket; privately printed
abbr., earth.sc. pellet plant
abbr., med. placenta praevia
abbr., pharma. preprandial (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., sport. post position
automat. pages
int.transport. prepaid (Yuriy83)
O&G pump (maystay)
pp. abbr.
abbr. pages
abbr., earth.sc. page
abbr., libr. privately printed
PP abbr.
abbr. PassPort; Per Person; Political Power; Postage Paid; Pre Paid; Professional Practice; Project Proposal; Purchase Price; Length between Perpendiculars; Page Or Pages; panel point; Papa Pontifex; postpartum (Andrey Truhachev); Parcel Post; Parish Priest; Pater Patriae; Payload Pointer; Peace Party; Peak Picking; peak to peak; People's Party; Per Particle; Pet Pals; Pet Partners; Phillips Perron; Physical Partition (LVM); Physical Plane (IN); Physical Principle; Pig Powder; piping; Plane Parallel; Pocket Pair; Policy Procedure; Pope And Pontiff; Positive Pulse; Possible Points; Post Pass; Postprandial, Postpartum; Potbelly Pig; Practically Perfect; Pre-Processor; Precious Piggy; Presentation Position; Presenting Problem; Pretty Pathetic; Pretty Print; Primary Point; Principal Part; Printed Page; Printers Proof; Private Person; Private Physician; Processing Problem; Programming Project; project participant (ochernen); Prolog Profile; Promotes Promiscuity; Propagation Prediction; Protected Person; Psychopathic Personality; Published Play; Published Price; Publisher Or Publishers; Pure Perl; post-prandial Lat. after eating; Past Participle; per paragraph; phosphoprotein; picric powder; printed pages; pusher plane; pulse pressure (разница между систолическим и диастолическим давлением); playback period; primary production
abbr., adv. pocketpiece
abbr., anim.husb. phytate phosphorus
abbr., auto. park pilot
abbr., automat. pitch point; postprocessor
abbr., avia. parallel process; parameter patch; production protection; production permit; production plan; program partners; proprietary protection; project planning; parting plane; passenger plane; patch panel; perk power; pilot pressure; position pulse; power plant pylon; power presentation; pressure pattern; pressure plate; principal plane; principal point; process planning; product program; product protection; punch pin; push pull
abbr., biol. pyrophosphate
abbr., busin. packaging and preservation; Paper Pulp; partial paid; particular ports; per piece; per post parcel; plans and programming; plastic product; postage and packing; prepay; pre-position; procurement and production; producer's price; purchasing power
abbr., Canada Princess Pat's
abbr., chem. phenyl phosphate; polyphosphate; postprocessing
abbr., clin.trial. per protocol (ochernen)
abbr., commer. port to port; per procuration; picked port; purchased part
abbr., comp., net. peripheral processor
abbr., comp., net., IT Point To Point
abbr., earth.sc. Pacific Petroleum Ltd.; particulate phosphorus; pass points; perfect prog; perfect prognosis; phytoplankton; planetopause; plasma polymerization; Polar Pacific; posterior probability; potential predictability; precipitation field; prediction period; prehnite-pumpellyite; preliminary plan; process of parietal; projection pursuit; proportional part; pulse polarography; purification plant
abbr., ecol. precautionary principle
abbr., econ. per pro (Seregaboss); Payback Period (Киселев); policy process
abbr., el. peak-to-peak; packet-by-packet (ARQ); pad pitch; page printer; paging program; parallel poll; parallel printer; passivation potential; path protection; power peak; Pentium processor; phone patch; phototelegraph position; photophone; photopolymer; physical page; pilot projects; pilot pulse; plane of polarization; plasma panel; plasma polarization; plasma polymerized; polarization preserving (fiber); polarization prism; polynomial perceptron; polypyrrole; portable part; position path; positioning piezo; postmortem program; post processor; predicted picture; product process; preferential polishing; pressure proof; professional package; profile parameter; program parameter; program product; projection printing; proprietary protocol; protocol processor; proximity printing; pseudopotential method
abbr., el., scient. Peak To Peak
abbr., electr.eng. push-pull
abbr., exhib. freight prepaid
abbr., file.ext. Parallel Processor
abbr., geophys. pore pressure (MichaelBurov)
abbr., gram. past participle; present participle
abbr., inf. paper play
abbr., interntl.trade. picked ports (Yuriy83)
abbr., invest. patent pending
abbr., IT Parallel Port; Post Processing; physical plane; pilot punch; program products
abbr., mech.eng. press polished both sides
abbr., med. Persisting Proteinuria; Peyer Patches; Peyer's Patches; Phosphoprotein Phosphatase; Placental Protein; Plank Positive - Stupid, As In "thick As 2 Short Planks"; Plasma Protein; Pumpkin Positive - A Penlight Shone Into The Patient's Mouth/ear Would Encounter A Brain So Small That The Whole Head Would Light Up; placenta previa; pulse pressure (Игорь_2006); Private Part; pancreatic polypeptide; preprogrammed; private patient; pancreatic hormone
abbr., med., lat. post prandial; punctum proximum; pulsus paradoxus (Eiddwen)
abbr., mil. Physical Plant; power plant; political prisoner (igisheva)
abbr., mil., WMD Process Procedure
abbr., O&G pour point (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, oilfield. pore pressure (Yakov); porosity and permeability (igisheva)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. propane
abbr., O&G. tech. physical property (MichaelBurov); propagation prediction (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil payback period (serz); production payment; pulled pipe; pump pressure; pacific plates; pad pressure; paraffinaceous petroleum; parallel pipe; partial paid; partial pressure; personal property; personnel protection; petroleum pitch; petroleum port; petroleum potential; petroleum pump; Piedmont Plateau; pinpoint porosity; playback processing; please pay; porphyritic; post-paid; power panel; preplanned; present production; primary pore; production packer; production platform; production process; project plan; projecting plane; promontory point; propane-propylene (fraction); protoporphyrin; provoked polarization; Polypropylene Plant (mazurov)
abbr., pharm. procaine penicillin (Игорь_2006)
abbr., photo. Process paid
abbr., physiol., med. Positive Pressure; Post Partum
abbr., plast. Polypropylene
abbr., polit. Political Party; Papua New Guinea
abbr., polym. peak power; porous by precipitator; pre-primed; pressure-proof; polypropene; polypropene, polypropylene
abbr., post Pay Period (MODS report abbreviation)
abbr., progr., IT PowerPoint
abbr., railw. primary parts
abbr., scottish Petroleum Point; Point-to-Point
abbr., sec.sys. protection profile (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., securit. pilot programme
abbr., sociol. planned parenthood (molten)
abbr., space parallel processing; particulate pollutants; performance parameter; perpendicular polarization; plasticizer permanence; polyester plasticizer; potassium perchlorate; preferred processes; procurement program; push/pull
abbr., sport. Power Play; Power Points; powerplay; promenade position
abbr., st.exch. Percentage Point; Percentage Points
abbr., stat. power productivity
abbr., tech. per pro; per procurationem; photopolarimeter (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., tel. Post Pay (payphone)
abbr., textile partial payment; particular port; posted price; public property; potassium permanganate; fiber polypropylene fiber; finishing permanent press finishing
abbr., tradem. Protein Protein; Pulp And Paper
energ.ind. plutonium product; power producers; power project; power pump; preliminary project; pressure pulsation; pressure pulse; pressure pump; pyrochemical process
invest. plant patent
meteorol. descent through cloud (procedure)
mil. procurement plan; passage point; pay period; percussion primer; personnel property; petrol point; pickup point; picrate powder; pilotless plane; pinpoint; planning purpose; Preprogramed; present position; principle point; private property; production phase; progress payments; project proposal; promotion pamphlet; propulsion power; provisioning procedures; purchased parts
mus. Pianissimo
tech. packet-by-packet; partial pay; peak-to-peak; phosphoroprotein; physical protection; pilot plan; pilot production; plasma physics; plate pulse; power package; preprocessor; preset parameter; pressure part; pressure pickup; pressure pipe; pressure port; primary pressure; pulse pair
tech., abbr. per procurationem, per pro
tradem. Parsons
Pp abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. pressure drop in pipe
abbr., med. passive performance
abbr., met. pulpit
abbr., oil pyralspite
abbr., radio plate power
product. process performance (paseal)
PP. abbr.
abbr., lat. Papa ("Pope"); Pontificum ("of the Popes"); Praepositus ("placed over")
abbr., el. plasma polymerized methylmethacrylate and tetramethyltin
: 52 phrases in 16 subjects
Animal husbandry3
Desert science1
Knitted goods1
Project management1
Textile industry3