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noun | adjective | to phrases
pluto ['plu:təu] n
gen. 放射性检査计
Pluto ['plu:təu] n
gen. 冥王普路托
avia. 【天】冥王星
oil 海上搜索救援飞机
space 冥王星
pluto ['plu:təu] adj.
oil 放射性检查计
 English thesaurus
PLUTO ['plu:təu] abbr.
abbr. pipe line under the ocean
abbr., earth.sc. pipe-line under the ocean
abbr., ed., scient. Purdue Libraries Undergraduate Tutorial Online
abbr., file.ext. Parts Listing and Used On Techniques
abbr., mil., air.def. programmable layered communication for UHF tactical operation
abbr., oil pipeline under the ocean
abbr., space plutonium loop testing reactor
abbr., transp. Please Let Us Take Off
pluto: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
United States1