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pita ['pi:tə] n
agric. 龙舌兰纤维
biol. 龙舌兰 (Agave americana L.,龙舌兰科)
 English thesaurus
pita ['pi:tə] abbr.
abbr. pitta (ssn)
PITA ['pi:tə] abbr.
abbr. Pain In The Arse; People Ingesting Tasty Animals; Pipeline Integrity Technology Associates; Pain In The Anatomy / Ass (DFUE-Slang, Usenet, IRC); Perforation Inflow Test Analysis (mangoo)
abbr., IT pain in the arse (Bricker); pain in the ass
abbr., med. Pain In The Ass
abbr., oil Petroleum Industry Training Association
abbr., sport. Pacific International Trapshooting Association
abbr., tradem. Pennsylvania Infrastructure Technology Alliance; Professional Information Technologists Association
pita: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
Chemical fibers3
Desert science1
Textile industry3