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photochemical reaction
met. 光化学反应
space 光化反应
tech. 光化作用; 光化学反应光化反应
photochemical reaction Chemical reaction which is initiated by light of a specific wavelength. In an environmental context an example is the potential action of ultraviolet light on CFCs which may bring about the detrimental degradation of the ozone layer. Photochemical reactions initiate the process of photosynthesis in which plants convert carbon dioxide into sugars, which are incorporated into cell materials
environ. 光化学反应 (该化学反应由一种特定波长的光产生。特定环境下的例子是紫外线照射可能导致含氯氟烃有损臭氧层退化。光化学反应在光合作用的过程中,使植物细胞转化成糖,而二氧化碳是输入细胞的材料。)
photochemical reaction
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