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phishing ['fɪʃɪŋ] adj.
comp., MS 網路釣魚 (A technique used to trick computer users into revealing personal or financial information. A common online phishing scam starts with an e-mail message that appears to come from a trusted source but actually directs recipients to provide information to a fraudulent Web site)
fin. 伪冒电子邮件
IT 网络钓鱼
securit. 诈骗电子邮件; 网上骗术 (有fishing 引人上钩的含意)
 English thesaurus
phishing ['fɪʃɪŋ] adj.
IT Those who crack security, most frequently telephone and other communication networks
phishing: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Air defense1
Computer networks4
Information technology2