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physiol. bot. 光合作用
anim.husb. 指示剂
avia. 酸碱值
desert. 酸碱度
sport. 值测定计
sport. med. 氢离子浓度
| recorder
gen. 录音机; 记录器
food.ind. 记录者

verb | adjective | preposition | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
pH v
avia. 酸碱值
desert. 酸碱度
sport. 值测定计
sport., med. 氢离子浓度
ph adj.
telecom. 客户程序名提供用户个人信息,如用户的 E-mail 地址
pH prep.
anim.husb. 指示剂
Ph prep.
physiol., bot. 光合作用
 English thesaurus
PH abbr.
abbr., avia. Parker hydraulics
abbr., busin. Power-House; telephone
abbr., chem. purine hydroxylase (eugeene1979)
abbr., earth.sc. Pacific High; phillipsite; phlogopite; phyllite; plant height
abbr., el. packet handling (function)
abbr., oil phosphate inhibitor; plug hole; protection helmet; pump house
abbr., polygr. publishing house (igisheva)
abbr., space pressure hose; probability of hitting
Ph abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. phenacite; phengite; phenol; phonolite; phosphatic; pyrrhotite
abbr., oil phenakite; phenocryst; phon
Ph. abbr.
abbr. phon; phone (telephone); phot
pH abbr.
abbr. value of power of hydrogen (logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration in gram-molecules per litre)
abbr., earth.sc. acid-base scale; hydrogen-ion exponent pH; measure of hydrogen ion activity; potential of hydrogen pH
el.chem. pH
PH abbr.
abbr. Penthouse; Professional Hunter; Public Holidays; Public House; Pale Headed; penthouse (vbadalov); Per Hire; Percentage Hydrogen; Perl Header; Philadelphia Field Office; Piss Head; Potential Hookers; Power Of Hydrogen; Prancing Horse; Private Header; Probable Helium; Process Homeostasis; Project Headquarters; Previous History
abbr., biol. portal hypertension (Игорь_2006)
abbr., BrE pilot-helicopter
abbr., cartogr. power house; public house
abbr., chem., scient. Potassium Hydrogen; potential of Hydrogen; Public Health
abbr., commun. Packet Handler
abbr., el. packet header; performance history; photo telegraph; physical (layer); picture height; polarization holding (fiber); protocol handler; phantom interface
abbr., electr.eng. pumped hydro
abbr., file.ext. Perl header file; Phrase-table (MS C/C++)
abbr., health., med. Presbyterian Hospital
abbr., IT Public Html; page heading; port handler
abbr., med. Concentration Of Hydrogen Ions; Hydrogen-ion Concentration - Acid / Alkaline; Pallister-Hall (syndrome); Past History; Persistent Hepatitis; Porphyria Hepatica; Pulmonary Hyp; Hydrogen ion concentration; Pleckstrin Homology
abbr., media. Place Hold; Pubic Hair
abbr., mil. Proportional Hazard; Pulmonary Hypertension; Purple Heart
abbr., O&G, sakh. Rotating Head (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil hydrostatic pressure
abbr., oncol. Power of Hydrogen hydrogen-ion concentration
abbr., physiol., med. Potential Health
abbr., polit. Philippines
abbr., polym. precipitation hardening
abbr., psychol. past history
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Patrol hydrofoil (torpedo; T); Civil aircraft marking (Netherlands); Prohibited Area
abbr., semicond. photoelectron holography
abbr., soil. phaeozem; phreatic phase
abbr., st.exch. Parker Hannifin Corporation
el. Phasemeter
energ.ind. period hours; photogrammetry; piezometer head; pressurizer heater; process heat; pulse height
FBI. Phonetic spelling of word or name
mil. passive homing; probability of hit
O&G high-limit alarm setpoint; vertical feed pump; vertical jockey pump; preheated
oncol. hydrogen-ion concentration - acid / alkaline
tech. pharmacopoeia; phase hologram; phase meter; phot
tradem. Polyphase
USA Public
pH abbr.
abbr. measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution; measure of acidity or alkalinity of solution; hydrogen-ion concentration; measure of acidity or basicity (Vosoni); negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration
abbr., chem. pH value
abbr., el.chem. hydrogen exponent; hydrogen index; hydrogen-ion exponent
abbr., Makarov. pH
abbr., med. hydrogen ion concentration
abbr., mil. potential of hydrogen
abbr., mil., avia. power of hydrogen, hydrogen ion exponent
abbr., plast. concentration of hydrogenions
energ.ind. hydrogen-ion activity
tech. hydrogen ion exponent
water.suppl. Hydrogen Ion Concentration Potential of Hydrogen
Ph abbr.
abbr. parish; pharmacopoeia; Phillip's Chancery Reports; phenyl
abbr., el. pinhole density
abbr., ophtalm. pinhole occluder (Баян)
mil. Probability of Hit
ph. abbr.
abbr. phonetics; phonetical; photocopy; photograph; photography; photographical
abbr., commer. pharmacopoeia
abbr., libr. photographic
construct. phone
met. bz. phosphor bronze
ph abbr.
abbr. phone; phosphorous
abbr., sport. pinch hit
IT phase
O&G public hearing (Meirzhan Mukhambetov)
polym. per hour
Ph. abbr.
abbr. phase; phenyl
.ph abbr.
abbr. Phillipines
PH abbr.
abbr., commun. physical layer
abbr., nucl.phys. parallel highway
анионообменная хроматография при высоких значениях pH с импульсным амперометрическим детектированием abbr.
chromat. high-pH anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (capricolya)
PH abbr.
abbr., auto. pressure high
abbr., avia. performance handbook; piano hinge; pilot hole; pin hole; power hammer; provisional horizon
abbr., med. pathogenicity for hamster; pseudohypoparathyroidism
abbr., mil., avia. packet handler
abbr., org.chem. phthalide (igisheva)
pH abbr.
abbr., genet. personal history
abbr., med. potential of hydrogen ions; transmembrane pH gradient Δ
Ph abbr.
abbr., med. Philadelphia chromosome
: 257 phrases in 36 subjects
Animal husbandry8
Cosmetics and cosmetology1
Desert science3
Earth sciences6
Engineering geology2
Food industry1
Food service and catering1
Laboratory equipment3
Life sciences3
Oil / petroleum16
Rail transport1
Textile industry4
Water resources18