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ozone layer depletion
auto. 臭氧层减少缺损
ecol. 臭氧层耗尽; 臭氧层损耗
tech. 臭氧层耗竭
ozone layer depletion The fragile shield of ozone is been damaged by chemicals released on earth. The main chemicals that are depleting stratospheric ozone are chlorofluorocarbons which are used in refrigerators, aerosols, and as cleaners in many industries, and halons, which are used in fire extinguishers. The damage is caused when these chemicals release highly reactive forms of chlorine and bromine. Over the past 30 years ozone levels over parts of Antarctica have dropped by almost 40% during some months and a "hole" in ozone concentrations is clearly visible in satellite observations
environ. 臭氧层损耗 (脆弱的臭氧保护层被地球上释放的化学物质所破坏。破坏大气层臭氧的主要化学物质是在冰箱和气雾剂中使用的氯氟烃,包括清洁行业,以及使用灭火器。这些化学物质释放的氯和溴在高活性状态下,会对臭氧造成损害。在过去30年里,南极地区的臭氧水平已经下降了近40%,在某几个月甚至会出现卫星可观测到的"臭氧空洞"。)
ozone layer depletion
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects