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oat [əut] n
gen. 燕麦田,种子,属植物; 燕麦〔麦片〕粥; 麦 〔牧〕笛; 牧歌
anim.husb. 燕麦属 (Avena); 燕麦 (Avena sativa)
biol. 燕麦属 (Avena L.,禾本科); 燕麦 (Avena sativa L.)
cook. 燕麦
hydraul. 雀麦
oats [ǝʊts] abbr.
agric. 燕麦 Avena sativa
biol. 燕麦 (Avena sativa L.)
 English thesaurus
OAT [ ] abbr.
abbr., adv. on-air test; on air test
abbr., avia. operational air traffic (MichaelBurov); Operational Acceptance Testing (Киселев); optimum altitude; orbit and attitude tracking; outboard air temperature; outer atmospheric outside air temperature
abbr., bank. own account transfer (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed., scient. Office of Academic Technology; Office of Institutional Research
abbr., el. oxide aligned transistor; optoacoustic transducer
abbr., electr.eng. operating ambient temperature
abbr., IT Object Attribute Traces; Oldest Active Transaction
abbr., law Obscene Articles Tribunal
abbr., meteorol. O-acetyltransferase; Ochanomizu Aspirin Trial; Open Artery Trial; Organic Anion Transporter; Ornithine Aminotransferase; Office for the Advancement of Telehealth; Optometry Admission Test
abbr., mil., avia. Office for Advanced Technology
abbr., physiol. Oral Appliance Therapy
abbr., post Office Advanced Technology (USPS)
abbr., scottish Operational Air Traffic; Optional Application Tapes
abbr., securit. Obligation Assimilable du Tresor
abbr., semicond. Optical Alignment Target (Yakov)
abbr., sport. Outdoor Adventure Training
abbr., st.exch. Quaker Oats Company
abbr., transp. Outside Air Temp
energ.ind. operating acceptance tests
mil. operational acceptance test; overall test
tech. optical adaptive technique; oxide-aligned transistor technology
oat [ ] abbr.
abbr. outside air temperature
OATS [ǝʊts] abbr.
abbr. Obligations Assimilables du Trésor; Options Automated Trading System; Order Audit Trail System; Wild Oats Markets, Inc.; Office Automation Technology and Services; Office of Air Transportation Security; Online AIF Transaction System; Operational Air Training School; Operations Analysis for Tactical Support
abbr., avia. optical amplifier transmission system; Oxford air training school
abbr., ed. Outcomes Assessments And Teaching Strategies
abbr., law Oral Anecdotes And Testamentary Stories
abbr., med. Osteochondral Autograft Transfer System
abbr., scottish Over-Armor Technology Synthesis (USA); Oxford Air Training School (UK)
abbr., space optical attitude transfer system; orbit and attitude tracking subsystem
mil. overall test set
tech. optimum aerial targeting sensor
: 280 phrases in 19 subjects
Animal husbandry104
Desert science7
Equestrian sports1
Food industry5
Life sciences1
Name of organization1
Pest control8
Textile industry1