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to phrases
nto abbr.
interntl.trade., germ.
 English thesaurus
nto abbr.
abbr., tech. netto
NTO abbr.
abbr. Net Trap Or Other; No Tax Offshore; Non- Traditional Occupation; Network Terminal Option; Nitto Senryo Seizo. Co., Ltd.
abbr., anat. nucleus tractus optic (ядро зрительного тракта doc090); nucleus tractus optici (ядро зрительного тракта doc090)
abbr., avia. Santo Antao, Cape Verde Island; Normal Takeoff (Zealot2002); No technical objection (4_paranoid_4); normal take off; normal take-off
abbr., earth.sc. new titles online
abbr., ed. National Training Organization
abbr., mil., avia. naval technology office
abbr., oil not taken out
abbr., polym. nitrogen tetroxide
abbr., scottish Nuclear Technologies Office
abbr., transp. New Turing Omnibus
mil. naval transport officer
NtO abbr.
nautic. north by east (MichaelBurov); between north and north-northeast (MichaelBurov)
NtO <устар.> abbr.
nautic. NbE (MichaelBurov); NtE (MichaelBurov)
nto: 1 phrase in 1 subject