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missed approach segment
avia. 复飞段; 中断进近段 (仪表进近程序的一部分,介于中断进近点、中断进近航路点或决断高度处到达点和最低仪表飞行规则高度处指定的中断进近导航设备点、交叉点、定位点或航路点。它是飞机爬升并返回到航路结构中的进近程序的一部分,或者是为等待或随后进近而设的定位。飞行路线和飞行高度在仪表进近图中描述)
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missed approach segment
avia., Canada That part of an instrument approach procedure IAP between the missed approach point MAP, the missed approach waypoint MAWP, or the point of arrival at decision height DH, and the specified missed approach NAVAID, intersection, fix or waypoint, as appropriate, at the minimum IFR altitude. It is in this part of the approach procedure that the aircraft climbs and returns to the en route structure or is positioned for holding or a subsequent approach. The route of flight and altitudes are depicted on instrument approach charts.