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metal bath
met. 金属熔池; 钢水熔池 (① Vortex formation in steel can be reduced by maintaining the highest possible metal bath level over the tap hole. 保持出钢口上方尽可能深的钢水熔池可以减少钢水中旋涡的形成。②The bottom blown gas results in improved mixing of the metal bath, the degree of bath mixing increasing with increasing bottom gas flow rate. 底吹气体可以改善金属熔池的混合,底吹气体流量越大,熔池混合程度越高。)
tech. 焊接熔池
textile 熔态金属浴
therm.energ. 金属浴
metal bath
: 17 phrases in 3 subjects
Textile industry2