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measuring range
busin. 测程
el., meas.inst. 量限
el.mach. 仪表量程
hydroel.st. 测量范围; 量程
metrol. 测定〔测量〕范围
oil 量测范围
tech. 测试范围; 测量量程; 测定范围
 English thesaurus
measuring range
metrol. The measuring range that the equipment has been designed to measure. The measuring range is defined by a lower and an upper range-limit. Within this range, measurements are made within specified accuracies. In addition, depending upon the physical quantity being measured, adjustment ranges for the lower and upper range-limits or a rangeability may also be specified. These may be expressed as a percentage of the maximum span, as absolute values or as a ratio
measuring effective range
metrol. For an analogue display unit, the range of analogue values which can be displayed without permanent impairment of the operating characteristics
measuring range
: 24 phrases in 8 subjects
Air defense1
Earth sciences1
Shooting sport1