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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
lora n
gen. 舌侧骨; 亚颏; 轴节间片; 喙基片
pharm. 氯醛己醇 (氯醛己醇 (chloralodol) 的别名;镇静催眠药)
lorum ['ləurəm] n
gen. 喙基片; 亚颏; 舌侧骨
tech. 轴节间片
textile 罗拉姆外衣古罗马
Lora abbr.
pharm. 罗拉 (劳拉西泮 (lorazepam) 片剂商品名;抗焦虑药)
 English thesaurus
LORA abbr.
abbr., avia. level of repaired analysis
abbr., el. long range acquisition
abbr., inet. Library Online Resource Access
mil. level of repair analysis
lora: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Desert science1
United States1