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lof | frequency
econ. 频次数
geophys. 频率
met. 周率; 出现率; 发生次数
radio.amat. 频率
sport. 次数
stat. 频数
tech. 频率
telecom. 频次
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 English thesaurus
LOF abbr.
abbr. Leaders Of The Future
abbr., avia. Loen, Marshall Islands; low on fuel; lift off; lower observed frequency
abbr., cinema Lots Of Flash
abbr., earth.sc. layered oxide facies
abbr., el. least observed frequency; lift-off fixturing; log-on file
abbr., fig.skat. left outside forward edge
abbr., gas.proc. Lube oil flushing (Промывка смазочным маслом andreche)
abbr., IT Auxiliary file for List Of Figures; Last Open Field; Length Of File; Loss Of Frame; loss of frame
abbr., logist. laytime statement of facts
abbr., mil. Lowest Operating Frequency
abbr., mil., avia. level of effort
abbr., mil., WMD lack of fit; level of protection
abbr., nautic. Lloyd's standard form of salvage agreement (4uzhoj)
abbr., nucl.pow. location outside facility (Boris54)
abbr., oil lack o£ side wall fusion; line of force; local oscillator filter
abbr., scottish Lift-Off; Line-Of-Fire
abbr., space line of flight
abbr., sport. left out forward
abbr., st.exch. Listed Open-end Fund
energ.ind. loss-of-flow; loss-of-fluid
IT Loss of Frame (UNI, ATM, DS3/E3)
tech. lack of fusion; local oscillator frequency; loss of feed water; loss of flow; lowest observed frequency
lof abbr.
abbr. line of fire
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Air defense1