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landscape component In visual assessment work, landscapes can be divided into four major elements. 1. Form is the perceived mass or shape of an object that appears unified, and which provides a consciousness of its distinction and relation of a whole to the component parts. 2. Line is the real or imagined path, border, boundary, or intersection of two planes, such as a silhouette, that the eye follows when perceiving abrupt differences in form, colour or texture. 3. Colour is a visual perception that enables the eye to differenciate otherwise identical objects based on the wavelengths of reflected light. 4. Texture is the visual feel of a landscape
environ. 景观组成部分 (在视觉评估工作中,景观可分为四个主要因素。 (一)形状,指可感知的某物体的质量或外形的统一的外观,同时其提供了物体作为一个整体与其他组成部分的区别与联系方面的意识。二线,是真正的或想象中的路径、边缘、界线、或两个平面的交界,正如眼睛突然感知的差异、颜色或纹理的轮廓。(三)颜色,是一种视觉感知,以眼睛对反射光波长的区分为基础,来区分物体的不同处或分辨不同的对象。(四)纹理是对景观的视觉感受。)
landscape component
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Desert science1