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intranet ['ɪntrǝnet] n
gen. 内部网
adv. 内部局域网; 专用网
agric. 内部网络指用因特网技术的
auto. 内部网络
dat.proc. 内联网
multimed. 企业内部网
securit. 局域网
space 内连网; 企业内部互联网
tech. 企业内联网; 部互联网; 企业网; 铁路物资流通企业
telecom. 内联向
 English thesaurus
intranet ['ɪntrǝnet] n
comp., MS Intranet (A network within an organization that uses Internet technologies and protocols, but is available only to certain people, such as employees of a company)
IT A private network that uses the infrastructure and standards of the Internet and World Wide Web, but is isolated from the public Internet by firewall barriers
Intranet ['ɪntrǝnet] abbr.
abbr. Internet with local scope
intranet: 13 phrases in 6 subjects
Air defense1
Computer networks1
Information technology1
Project management2