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ibex ['aɪbeks] adj.
anim.husb. 亚洲羱羊; 悬羊 (Capra ibex)
biol. 山羊 (Capra hircus L.,牛科)
desert. 北山羊; 巨角塔尔羊
textile 野山羊
 English thesaurus
ibex ['aɪbeks] adj.
mamm. ivix (Capra ibex)
IBEX ['aɪbeks] abbr.
abbr., astronaut. Interstellar Boundary Explorer (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., el. international business exchange
abbr., med. International Biotechnology EXpo
abbr., space infrared balloon experiment; interstellar boundary explorer
mil. integrated battlefield communications
ibex: 15 phrases in 5 subjects
Animal husbandry4
Desert science7
Name of organization2