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hot blast stove
steel. 热风炉
hot-blast stove
chem. 热风炉
met. 热风炉 (【技】用于加热高炉鼓风的装置。分为换热式和蓄热式两种形式。换热式热风炉是利用换热原理进行热交换;蓄热式热风炉是利用先在格子砖内贮存热量后,再将热量传递给鼓风的先蓄热后放热原理进行热交换的一种高炉鼓风加热装置。这种热风炉具有加热温度高、寿命长、热效率高等优点,广为现代高炉所采用。: In several modem hot-blast stoves, ceramic burners are used. These burners, with their mixing chamber, are installed inside the combustion chamber and the firing is upward in a vertical direction instead of a horizontal direction as with the conventional metallic burner. 在一些现代热风炉上已使用了陶瓷燃烧器。这种带有混气室的燃烧器安装在燃烧室内,燃烧时火焰垂直向上,而普通金属燃烧器的火焰方向则是水平的。)
tech. 高炉热风器
 English thesaurus
hot blast stove
met. cowper
hot blast stove
: 12 phrases in 2 subjects