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high-grade iron ore
met. 高品位铁矿石; 富铁矿 (石: ① The Pilbara region of Australia has large supplies of high-grade iron ore as well as natural gas and suitable building sites, including those for ports and transport facilities. 澳大利亚皮尔巴拉地区可以大量提供高品位铁矿石和天然气,同时它还具有包括建设港口和运输设施的合适场地。② If all goes according to plans, over the next twenty years Channar Mine will produce 200 million tonnes of high-grade iron ore, all of which will be shipped to China. 如果所有都按计划实施,在未来二十年恰纳矿业公司将会生产2亿 t 高品位铁矿石,并将全部运往中国。)
high grade iron ore
met. 高品位铁矿; 富铁矿