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high speed taxiway
avia. 高速滑行道 (专供飞机高速滑行 (最快可达60kn)所用的大半径滑行道,从跑道中心线开始,沿着整条高速滑行道中心线都设置灯光或标志,用以规定飞机的滑行路径。它专供飞机着陆后迅速拐离跑道之用,从而能减少跑道被占用的时间。又称为 long radius exit (大半径出口), high-speed exit (高速出口), high-speed turnoff (高速岔道), rapid exit taxiway (快速出口滑行道)和 turnoff taxiway (岔道滑行道))
 English thesaurus
high speed taxiway
avia., Canada A long-radius taxiway designed and provided with lighting or marking to define the path of aircraft, travelling at high speed up to 60 kt, from the runway centre to a point on the centre of a taxiway. The high speed taxiway is designed to expedite aircraft turning off the runway after landing, thus reducing runway occupancy time.
high speed taxiway
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects