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hep [hep] n
gen. 野蔷薇的果实
hep [hep] adj.
gen. 懂得世故的; 对…熟悉的; 对…有欣赏能力的; 迷恋爵士乐的
hep [hep] int.
gen. 齐步走 "一、二、一" 口令声
 English thesaurus
hep [hep] abbr.
abbr. hexagonal closely packed; hepatitis (гепатит Val_Ships)
HEP [hep] abbr.
abbr. History Economics And Political; Home Equity Prepayment; Hourly Electric Price; Hydro Electric Power
abbr., amer. high explosive plastic (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., avia., med. human error probability
abbr., chem., scient. Hetergeneous Element Processor
abbr., ed. Harmony Education Program; Homeschool Enrichment Program
abbr., ed., scient. Higher Education Program
abbr., el. high-energy peak
abbr., el., scient. Hall Effect Pickup; Head End Power
abbr., energ.ind. hydroelectric plant (MichaelBurov)
abbr., environ. Habitat Evaluation Procedures
abbr., IT Novell Help Librarian Data File; heterogeneous element processor; homogeneous element processor
abbr., med. Hepatic; High Egg Passage (virus); Human Epithelial Cell; high energy phosphate (Весельчак У); Hepatology (код больничного отделения Ying); human encephalitogenic protein
abbr., mil. High Explosive Plastic; Human Error Probability
abbr., mil., avia. heterogeneous element processor
abbr., phys., scient. High Energy Physics
abbr., scottish Haupt-Entstrahlungs, Entseuchungs-und Entgiftungs-Platz (Main decontamination unit (Germany)); High Explosive, Plastic
abbr., sport. Hockey Education Program; Home Exercise Program
abbr., tradem. Hankyu Entertainment Park; Hankyu Entertainment Plaza
energ.ind. head-end plant; hydrogen explosion protection
mil. heterogeneous-element processor; high-energy pulse; high-explosive penetrating; high-explosive plastic; high-explosive plugged
tech. Hall effect probe; hexagonal close-packed; high-energy particle; high-energy physics; hole-electron pair; hydroelectric power
tech., abbr. hydroelectric plant
Hep [hep] abbr.
abbr., med. heparin
HEP [hep] abbr.
abbr., busin. help
abbr., earth.sc. human environment programme; hydroelectric project
abbr., med. high-energy phosphate (ННатальЯ)
abbr., oil high explosive penetrating; hydrogen embrittlement proof
abbr., space high energy particle
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Animal husbandry1