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gen. 加热; 热度
met. 热学; 一次熔炼; 一炉; 装炉量
sport. 预赛,分组赛
therm.energ. 热量
| added
sport. 额外的
| to
| system
tech. 制度
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
heat [hi:t] n
gen. 量,度,能; 白热〔炽〕; 热效应; 灼热; 暑气; 一炉钢水; 一次熔炼; 加一次热; 一次的努力; 装炉; 每炉熔炼量; 熔炼的炉次; 热的地段〔位置〕; 受热时间; 温度指示; 竞赛; 热试车; 拼命的工作; 强烈的感情; 激烈的阶段; 热烈; 激烈〔怒,愤〕; 性兴奋; 发情期; 剌鼻的味道; 辣味
archit. 热量; 热辐射; 保温; ; 炉子的容量; 装炉 (量); 一炉 (钢水)
commer. 热力
econ. 取暖
expl. 激烈
life.sc. 高温
sport. 暑热; 1局盘,场
heat [hi:t] v
gen. 加热; 热度; 一炉钢水的; 加〔供,预,变,发〕热; 熔炼〔化〕; 发热变质; 使激昂; 刺激; 激起感情; 激怒; 责备; 谴责; 一气儿; 气地
agric. 性冲动; 加温
archit. 供,变,发; 交换传处,转化,吸收
athlet. 分组预赛
auto. 量,度; 汽车竞赛; 【动】加热
avia. 吸热; 经受长时间热处理
box. 券组赛
busin. 暖气
dermat. 发情; 性欲发动
el. 热的
met. 热学; 一次熔炼; 一炉; 装炉量; (量)
repr.biol. 发情雌性动物
space 比热
sport. 预赛,分组赛; 预赛; 分组赛; 及格赛; 预选赛
swim. 选拔赛
tech. ; 热量; 炉次; 每炉熔炼量; 熔炼序次; 熔次; 取暖照明及动力成本; ; 节拍; 热能; 热气
telecom. 热处理
heats v
sport. 预赛; 预选赛
heating A system for supplying heat, especially central heating, to a building ['hi:tɪŋ] v
environ. 供热系统 (为建筑物提供热能的系统,特别是中央供热系统。)
quantity of heat [hi:t] v
therm.energ. 热量
heat physics, A form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature: it is equal to the total kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules of a system [hi:t] v
environ. 物理, 能量的一种形式,其经由温度的不同而传送,它等同于一系统的原子或分子的总动能。
 English thesaurus
heat [hi:t] abbr.
abbr., electr.eng. specific
abbr., med. Δ
abbr., polym. h; ht.
mil., abbr. ht
heat. abbr.
abbr. heating
HEAT [hi:t] abbr.
abbr. High Energy Antimatter Telescope; Horse Evacuation Assistance Team
abbr., busin. heating
abbr., ed., scient. Health Education And Technology; History English Art And Technology
abbr., IT H E A T
abbr., karate. Hybrid Exo Atmospheric Transporter (ВВладимир)
abbr., law Help Eliminate Arson Today; Help End Auto Theft
abbr., med. human erythrocyte agglutination test; Healthy Eating And Activity Together
abbr., media. Handling Every Aspect Of Talent
abbr., mil. Hard Entry And Tactics; High Explosive Anti Tank; voen ->122 high explosive (Киселев); High Explosive Anti-Tank (shaped-charge warhead); high-explosive antitank head heat; helicopter external air transport; high explosive antitank
abbr., mil., avia. heat test program
abbr., oil hostile environment application tools
abbr., scottish High Explosive, Anti-Tank
abbr., space high-enthalpy ablation test
abbr., sport. High Energy Athletic Training
abbr., st.exch. Hybrid Execution And Trading
abbr., UN, weap. High explosive anti-tank rounds
abbr., weap. high explosive anti-tank (shaped-charge warhead Natalya Rovina)
mil., abbr. high-explosive antitank; hostile expendable aerial target
heat added
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Wind Energy1