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GRP abbr.
el.mach. 玻璃纤维增强塑料
expl. 气体释放脉冲压气爆炸的过压,由炸药爆炸后产生的气体穿过岩石间隙所致
 English thesaurus
grp abbr.
abbr. group
grp. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. group
.grp abbr.
file.ext. Group (file name extension)
GRP abbr.
abbr. Gentoo Reference Platform; Glass Reinforced Polyester; Glassfibre Reinforced Plastic; Globe Replication Protocol; Grasslands Restoration Project; Grey Raid Productions; Gross Rating Points; Gross Research Product; Group Risk Plan; Guided Reading Practice; glass rein forced plastics; glycine-rich protein
abbr., agric., chem. ground rock phosphate
abbr., anim.husb. gastrin releasing peptide
abbr., auto. glass fiber, fibre reinforced plastic
abbr., avia. ground reference point; ground/geographical reference point
abbr., busin. glass-reinforced plastics; government rubber-polysulfide
abbr., construct. glass reinforced plastic (MichaelBurov); glass-reinforced plastic (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. garnet ridge pyrope; Gezira Rehabilitation Project (Sudan)
abbr., el. Gaussian reflectivity profile; general resource platform; graphic subroutine package; greatest response probability; group reference pilot
abbr., expl. gas release pulse
abbr., file.ext. Group file; Windows Program Manager group (PROGMAN.EXE Vosoni)
abbr., genet. glycin-rich protein
abbr., GOST. ground reference plane (IEC 61000-4-2, ed. 2.0 (2008-12) harser)
abbr., logist. glass-reinforced polywood container
abbr., math., scient. Group
abbr., med. Gastrin-releasing Peptide; Glucose-regulated Protein; Glucose-Regulated Protein
abbr., media. Gross Rating Point
abbr., mil. Geographic Reference Point
abbr., mil., avia. Gaussian random process
abbr., mining. Gold-recovery plant (soa.iya)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic; glass-fiber reinforced polyester
abbr., O&G, sakh. fiber-glass reinforced plastic; fiber-glass reinforced polyester
abbr., oil glass-reinforced plastic pipe; geophysical research papers; glass fiber reinforced polyester; glass fiber reinforced plastics
abbr., physiol. gastrin-releasing peptide (Игорь_2006); Gastrin Releasing Protein
abbr., polym. glass reinforced plastics; government rubber polysulfide
abbr., scottish Glass-reinforced plastic (Glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), also known as glass fiber-reinforced plastic (GFRP), is a composite material made of a plastic matrix reinforced by fine fibers made of glass. It is also known as GFK (for German: Glasfaserverstarkter Kunststoff), or simply by the name of the reinforcing fibers themselves: fiberglass. wiki Alexander Demidov); Guidance Replacement Program (USAF)
abbr., shipb. glass reinforce plastics
abbr., silic. glass-reinforced plastic (s)
abbr., space glassfiber-reinforced plastics; glass fiber-reinforced polyester; graphite-reinforced plastic
abbr., tech. glass fibre reinforced polyester resin; glass fiber reinforced polyester resin
mil. gamma ray projector; glass reinforced plastic
tech. Gaussian random process; Gram-positive; ground relay panel
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
Wood processing1