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gaffer ['gæfə] n
gen. 老头儿对乡下老人的称呼; 照明电工
adv. 灯光师
agric. 帮工
archit. 班组长
brit., busin. 工头
busin. 工头; 雇主
tech. 工长; 领班
textile 烫皱褶熨斗
 English thesaurus
gaffer ['gæfə] n
cinema The head of the electrical department, responsible for the design and execution of the lighting plan for a production. Early films used mostly natural light, which stagehands controlled with large tent cloths using long poles called gaffs stagehands were often beached sailors or longshoremen, and a gaff is a type of boom on a sailing ship. In 16th Century English, the term "gaffer" denoted a man who was the head of any organized group of laborers.
gaffer: 3 phrases in 1 subject