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fw abbr.
gen. for women (на туалетной воде 4uzhoj)
abbr. full weight
O&G fraction of intergranular space occupied by water; water cut of formation fluid
tech. firm ware (Yuriy Melnikov)
FW abbr.
abbr. Fair Witness; Fairway Wood; Faith Weaver; Fantasy Wrestling; Fast Write; Fat Wallet; Fat Women; Feed Water System (Yuliya13); Fellow Worker; Female White; Field Width; Field Wind; Fifth Wheel; Filament Wound; File For Writing; Finding Wayne; Finnegans Wake; First Wall; Flame Wars; Fluctuating Wildly; Flug Werk; Forge World; Formal Weak; Formula Weight; Fortran Wrapper; Fourth World; Frank-Wolfe algorithm; Fred Wills; Frequency Weights; Friedrich Wilhelm; Friendly Wallaby; Fringeworthy; Fuck Wit; Fucking Weasel; Fucking Wonder; Function Word; filament winding; fresh weight
abbr., agric. fresh water table
abbr., auto. flat wire; Font wheel
abbr., automat. face width; firmware; flank wear
abbr., avia. failure warning; fan variable vane; fixed wheel; flight watch; flight worthy; flying wing
abbr., BrE field worship
abbr., busin. fixed wing; free in wagon
abbr., cartogr. fog whistle
abbr., chem. formula weight (молекулярная масса по формуле соединения Anisha)
abbr., dril. flash weld
abbr., earth.sc. fistulipore width
abbr., el. firewall; first word; flexible waveguide; frame-synchronization word; fundamental wave; fusion welding
abbr., electr.eng. full-wave
abbr., electric. full-wave rectifier
abbr., file.ext. FrameWork Database file
abbr., hockey. face-offs won (Alexey Lebedev)
abbr., med. Felix-Weil (reaction); fragment wound
abbr., mil. fixed wing (в отличие от вертолёта); fixed-wing (Киселев); fighter wing; weather correction factor
abbr., nautic. free water (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. fire water
abbr., oil field well; field weakening; field welding; fillet welding; firefighting water; fixed window; fly wheel; fore-stepping wedge; formation water; friction welding; full wave log
abbr., pest.contr. smoke pellet
abbr., polym. flash welding; full weight
abbr., scottish Fighter Wing; Fiscal Week
abbr., shipb. fairway; freshwater
abbr., tech. flat washer (Adrax)
abbr., textile fabric weight
energ.ind. feedwater; firewater
IT freeware
mil. fire wall; flight weight; fresh water
sport. Featherweight
tech. feed water; field weld; foot wall; forward wave; fuel warranty; full wave; full word
Fw abbr.
abbr., med. F wave (fibrillary wave, flutter wave)
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