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fps abbr.
IT 帧每秒 (frames per second)
 English thesaurus
fps abbr.
abbr. feet per second
abbr., med. foot pound second (system, unit)
IT frames per second (Bricker)
mining. foot-pound-second
O&G foot-pound-second system
O&G, sakh. foot-pounds-second
opt. fixed pattern signal
fps. abbr.
abbr., sport. feet per second
FPS abbr.
abbr. Family Preservation Services; Feet Per Second; Frags Per Second; first person shooter (Maaximus); foot per second; federal public service (kee46); fault protection subsystem; first personal shooting game; floating-point system; Fellow of the Philosophical Society; financial planning system; focus projection and scanning (deflection system); foot-pound-second (system of units); fission products stable
abbr., agric. First Post Seeding
abbr., auto. fire prevention system; front passenger side
abbr., automat. flexible planning system; flexible press system
abbr., avia. final parts to store; finished parts to store; flight planning system; finished parts in store; fine pitch stop; fleet planning systems; flight path stabilization; foreign procurement system; forward power supply; foreign procurement system-material
abbr., belar. Federal Penitentiary Service (igisheva)
abbr., BrE Forces Postal Service
abbr., busin. foot, pound, second system
abbr., cinema frame rate
abbr., comp. financial planning simulator
abbr., comp., net. Fast Packet Switching fps frames per second; fast packet switch
abbr., comp.name. Floating Point Systems Inc.
abbr., earth.sc. fluid power system; full performance swath; stable fission products
abbr., ed. Future Problem Solvers
abbr., el. Fabry-Perot fiber sensor; field programmable system; floating-point scratchpad; focus, projection and scanning; Fourier processing system
abbr., file.ext. Favorite Picture Selection
abbr., food.ind. Finished product standart (maxvet)
abbr., IT Framing Pattern Sequence; floating point system
abbr., med. Fellow Of The Pathological Society; Fetal PCB polychlorinated Biphenyl Syndrome; Fauna Preservation Society; Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society; fertility planning status; fasting plasma sugar (MichaelBurov)
abbr., media. Four Point Stereo; Frames Per Second
abbr., mil. First Person Shooters; Federal Protective Service; force protection source; Force Protection Suite (masay)
abbr., mil., air.def. fixed-point station (type of radar)
abbr., mil., avia. feet per second
abbr., mil., WMD Fire protection system
abbr., nucl.phys. fission products, stable; fission product source
abbr., O&G Floating Production System (MichaelBurov); fuel-power sector (MichaelBurov); fuel and power sector (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. foot/pound/second (units nomenclature)
abbr., O&G. tech. FPU (MichaelBurov); floating production system (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil floating production system; floating production platform (MichaelBurov); fault-plane solution; feet-pound-second units; field processing system; fixed point system; flow-control pump out section; fluid purification system; fluids processing system; focus projection and scanning; foot pound per second; foot-pound system; Forties Pipeline System; frame per second; free point service
abbr., physiol. Flacid Penis Syndrome
abbr., progr., IT First Person Shooter
abbr., relig. First Person Saviour
abbr., scottish Fast Packet Switch (Network communications); Fishery Protection Squadron (UK Royal Navy)
abbr., sec.sys. fire protection system (MichaelBurov)
abbr., shipb. foot pound second unit
abbr., space fast packet switching; fixed program send; footpound-sec system
abbr., tech. Fluid Power Society
abbr., transp. Military Primary Radar
energ.ind., abbr. fuel particle size
mil., abbr. fixed point station; flight preparation sheet; full pressure suit
tech. focal plane structure
tech., abbr. Fabry-Perot spherical interferometer; ferrite phase shifter; fixed point station radar; flashes per second; fluid processing system; focal plane shutter; foot-pound second; fuel pin simulator
: 10 phrases in 1 subject
Air defense10