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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
fob [fɔb] n
gen. 男裤上的怀表袋; 露于怀表口袋外边的短表链及饰物; 拉链〔腰带,别针〕饰物
auto. 钥匙链及饰物
exhib. 表链; 表袋
textile 表口袋; 怀表短链及饰物; 男裤表口袋; 怀表的短链及饰物; 男裤表袋; 表链饰物; 怀表短带
.fob n
IT 格式化对象备份文件名后缀 (fob 是 formatting objects backup 的缩写。是使用 XSL-FO (格式化对象的可扩展样式表语言)生成备份文件 的扩展名)
FOB [fɔb] n
agric. 离岸价
anim.husb. 离岸价 (供货商只负责把货运到离岸港口交货); 船上交货
busin. 船上交货 (Free on Board); 船上交货价
econ. 起运地点名 freight междун.торг. 海口名起运地点交通工具上交货至海口运费计算价; 海口名 lighterage междун.торг. 开往某海口火车上交货驳运费在内价; 装货港船上交货价格; 离岸价格
logist. 装运港船上交货
textile 船上交货
FOB A shipping method that establishes the point at which ownership of goods passes to the buyer. The FOB can establish ownership when an item is damaged in transit [fɔb] n
comp., MS 離岸價格 (FOB)
fob [fɔb] v
gen. 把…装在表袋中; 欺骗; 搪塞
 English thesaurus
fob [fɔb] abbr.
abbr. free on board
jewl. An ornament worn on a keychain, a cell phone, or personal electronic device.
FOB [fɔb] abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. foetal occult blood
abbr., econ. fine old blend
abbr., med. fetal occult blood; fiberoptic bronchoscopy
abbr., railw. under tackle
FOB [fɔb] abbr.
abbr. Fabulous Oriental Being; Friend Of Bill; Father Of Bride; Flutes On Boats; front of board; юр.,АУС free on board
abbr., agric. franco a bordo
abbr., AmE fresh off the boat (Anglophile)
abbr., avia. forward operating base
abbr., comp., MS FOB (A shipping method that establishes the point at which ownership of goods passes to the buyer. The FOB can establish ownership when an item is damaged in transit)
abbr., econ. factory mill; destination free on board destination; shipping point free on board shipping point; stowed or FOBS free on board stowed or free on boardship
abbr., el. fan-out branch; form overlay buffer
abbr., logist. FOB
abbr., med. Fecal Occult Blood; Found On Bench; father of baby (harser)
abbr., media. Front Of the Book
abbr., mil. Fall Out Boy; Forward Observation Base
abbr., mil., WMD Free onboard
abbr., mus. Festival Of Bands
abbr., nautic. Free on Board (Seller sees the goods over the ship’s rail on to the ship which is arranged and paid for by the buyer)
abbr., oil flat on bottom (type); fuel oil B
abbr., physiol. functional observational battery (Игорь_2006)
abbr., railw. Free On Board
abbr., scottish fuel on board (nosov99)
abbr., space freight free on board
abbr., st.exch. Boyds Collection, LTD.
abbr., tech. free on board-named port of shipment; free on board-named port of destination
abbr., telecom. fiber optic bundle
abbr., tradem. Family- Owned Business
abbr., transp. Freight On Board
energ.ind., abbr. fast oxide breeder
int.transport. free on board (Incoterms)
mil., abbr. forward observer bombardment
tech., abbr. free on board price
tech., mil., avia. flight operations building
: 135 phrases in 16 subjects
International trade31
Oil / petroleum3
Project management2
Rail transport4
Textile industry20