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fi adj.
agric. 能育性抑制
FI adj.
chem. 场电离
org.name. 渔业部; 渔业及水产养殖部
fi- adj.
agric. 不能表现能育性抑制
fi+ adj.
agric. 能表现能育性抑制
 English thesaurus
fi abbr.
abbr., med. fidget
abbr., med., lat. filtrum
abbr., oil for instance
electr.eng. filter bandpass
fi. abbr.
abbr., met. finish
FI abbr.
abbr. Fee Index; Field Intelligence; Financial Intelligence; Finnish; First Initial; FERROMAGNETIC Insulation; Filterability Index; Finished Intelligence; Foreign Intelligence
abbr., astronaut. Fisheries Department (FAO)
abbr., auto. fuel injector
abbr., avia. Flight Idle (Zealot2002); Flight instructor (Elena-LS); fault identification; fault integrator; field item; final inspection; flight inspection; Forecast International; friction igniter; functional item; Iceland Air
abbr., avia., Canada flight itinerary
abbr., biol. fertility index
abbr., chromat. flame ionization (Гера)
abbr., EBRD Financial Institutions Team (raf); financial intermediary (raf)
abbr., ecol. forest fire integrated index
abbr., el. fault indicator; FEP interface; field ion (source); field ionizer; file identification; firmware instruction; format identifier; frequency information; frequency interference; functional interleaving; function integration; fuzzy inference; fuzzy information
abbr., el., scient. Faraday Isolator
abbr., electr.eng. field instrument
abbr., energ.ind. fouling index
abbr., file.ext. Microsoft Fortran Interface file
abbr., HF.electr. finite-integration
abbr., inet. Full Internet
abbr., IT fan-in; field intensity
abbr., logist. Free In (Yuriy83)
abbr., med. immersion face; fever caused by infection
abbr., mil. Factory Integration; Filterability index; Fundamental Issue; foreign intelligence
abbr., mil., avia. fabrication instructions
abbr., oil flow indicator (andrushin); fracture initiation
abbr., org.name. Dipartimento pesca; Dipartimento pesca e acquacoltura
abbr., police Field Investigation; Field interview (informal questioning of a suspect performed on the spot of contact Val_Ships)
abbr., polit. Finland
abbr., psychol. fixed interval schedule of reinforcement
abbr., scient. Full Insurance
abbr., scottish Finland (NATO country code)
abbr., soil. firm
abbr., textile flammability index
abbr., tradem. Financial Institution; Franz Incorporated
abbr., transp. Fuel Injection
energ.ind. field inspection; financial information; fire incident; foreign investors
insur. fire insurance
meteorol. flight instrument
mil. fabrication instruction; failed item; failure information; false information; fault isolation; field instruction; fighter/interceptor; final issue; fixed interval; fuel indicator
mus. flauto
O&G film impact
tech. fade-in; feature input; field ionization; figures intended; floating input; flow instability
Fi abbr.
abbr. blood color index (MichaelBurov); blood colour index (MichaelBurov); color index (MichaelBurov); colour index (MichaelBurov); farbindex (MichaelBurov); fighter
abbr., earth.sc. finish
abbr., med. fibrinogen
FI abbr.
abbr. Falkland Islands; figure of insensitiveness; fill in; flight instruments; Franklin Institute
abbr., avia. functional identification; functional interface
abbr., earth.sc. felsic index; flood insurance; free inversion; freeze index; Fremont Island; furrow infiltrometer
abbr., econ. foreign-exchange inflow
abbr., mining. fuse fuze instantaneous
abbr., oil fade in; figure intended; fill; fracturability index; flow improver; foaming inhibitor; form in; fractionation index; fracture index; fracture intensity
abbr., space fatigue index; flight instrumentation; fluid injection
abbr., sport. flanker
abbr., telecom. free-in
: 44 phrases in 15 subjects
Computer networks3
Information technology3
Name of organization1
Oil / petroleum1
Textile industry2