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gen. 证据
comp., MS 辨識項
econ. int. law. 证人; 证词; 迹象
interntl.trade. 凭证; 证明书
met. 证明; 论据
| that
| a
anim.husb. 羧化酶
| witness
UN 见证国
| gives to
 give to
gen. 把M给 N
| a court
 a court
gen. 法院
| of
| law
environ. 法规
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] n
gen. 证据; 证〔根,论〕据; 史料; 形〔痕〕迹
agric. 迹象 (复); 痕迹 (复)
AI. 证据因子
archit. 根,数
auto. 根,数,论; 【动】证明; 显示
busin. 论证; 痕迹; 例证; 表明
commer. 资料
comp., MS 辨識項 (The properties of code, such as a digital signature or the zone or site of its origin, that are used by security policy to grant permissions to code)
dril. 行迹; 是……证明
econ. 凭单
econ., int. law. 证人; 证词; 迹象
eng.geol. 数据
interntl.trade. 凭证; 证明书
met. 证明; 论据
proj.manag. 证件; 凭据
securit. 根据
shipb. 证物
telecom. 事实
textile 显著; 明显
evidences n
busin. 证据
fin. 凭证; 原始凭证
evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] v
gen. 作为…的证据; 表示 (现)
 English thesaurus
evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] n
IT Information that proves or disproves a stated issue 2. Information that an auditor gathers in the course of performing an IS audit; relevant if it pertains to the audit objectives and has a logical relationship to the findings and conclusions it is used to support (Audit perspective)
law a s oral or written statement, object, etc. supporting a point in the case; Any proof legally presented at trial through witnesses, records, and/or exhibits
law, abbr. evid.
mil., abbr. evid
Evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] abbr.
abbr., law Ev..
law, abbr. E
evidence that a
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Project management1