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busin. 搪瓷制品
dril. 珐琅; 上釉; 使光亮
isol. 瓷漆
oil transp. 珐琅
pack. 釉质; 涂料; 搪瓷
| bonded
wind. 结合
| single
gen. 单身
| paper
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
enamel [ɪ'næm(ə)l] n
gen. ; ; 瓷釉〔漆〕; 搪瓷制品〔工艺品〕
agric. 珐琅质
anat. 釉质 (被覆于牙冠的牙质表面,为人体中钙化程度最高、最坚硬的组织。正常所见釉质呈乳白色或淡黄色,是透过釉质所见的牙质色泽)
archit. 瓷釉;
auto. ; 【动】 涂瓷漆; 上釉彩色
busin. 搪瓷制品
chem. 砝琅
dentist. 牙釉质
dril. 珐琅; 上釉; 使光亮
el. 涂漆
isol. 瓷漆
oil, transp. 珐琅
pack. 釉质; 涂料; 搪瓷
polym. 磁漆
tech. 釉瓷; 搪玻璃
textile 景泰蓝
lacquer enamel [ɪ'næm(ə)l] n
el.mach. 珐琅
enamel [ɪ'næm(ə)l] v
gen. 涂以瓷釉〔搪瓷,瓷漆〕; 上珐琅; 上彩色; 使光滑; 使成光滑面
archit. 涂瓷釉搪瓷,亮漆; 使发光泽
 English thesaurus
enamel [ɪ'næm(ə)l] abbr.
abbr. e.c. (Vosoni); e.d.c. (Vosoni); e.d.s. (Vosoni); e.s. (Vosoni)
jewl. Used to add color to jewelry, enamel is colored glass that has been baked into a box-like setting and lies flush with the topmost surface.
enamel-bonded single: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Electric machinery1