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echinoderm [i:'kainəudəm] n
agric. 棘皮动物 (Echinodermata)
oil 棘皮动物; 棘皮类
zool. 棘皮类动物
echinoderms [ɪ'kaɪnə(u)dɜ:mz] n
earth.sc. 棘皮动物门{古}
geol. 棘皮类
ichtyol. 棘皮类动物 Echinodermata; 棘皮动物
echinoderm Marine coelomate animals distinguished from all others by an internal skeleton composed of calcite plates, and a water-vascular system to serve the needs of locomotion, respiration, nutrition or perception [i:'kainəudəm] n
environ. 棘皮类动物 (海洋类有体腔动物,区别于其他动物之处在于由方解石板组成的一个内部骨架和一个满足运动、呼吸作用、营养或者知觉的水管系。)
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