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dioxin [daɪ'ɔksɪn] n
gen. 二噁英一种致突变物质,可引起流产、生育缺陷和皮肤病等
met. 二恶英 (【技】一类有毒的含氯有机化合物,有强烈的致畸和致癌作用。钢铁厂矿石造块、金属热加工等过程常常是二恶英的产生源。: Sinter plants in the EU are focusing on reducing dioxin emissions to extremely low levels. 目前,欧盟地区的烧结厂正致力于将二恶英的排放量降到最低程度。)
oil 二噁英
repr.biol. 二恶英有致癌及致畸作用
UN, chem. 二氧杂芑; 二恶英
dioxin A by-product formed during the preparation of the herbicide 2, 4, 5-T, and sometimes produced by the incineration of chlorinated organic compounds. It may also occur naturally and is distributed widely in the environment, except locally in extremely low concentrations. Substantial amounts were released by the industrial accident of Seveso in 1976 [daɪ'ɔksɪn] n
environ. 戴奥辛 (制造2,4,5-T除草剂所产生的副产物,有时也经由燃烧氯化有机物而产生。 它也可能自然产生,并广布在环境中,使其在各地区的浓度非常低。 1976年﹐Seveso的工业意外事件泄漏出大量的戴奥辛。)
 English thesaurus
dioxin [daɪ'ɔksɪn] n
EU. i>; p<; /i>
dioxin: 22 phrases in 6 subjects
Name of organization2
Oil processing plants1
United Nations1
Water resources16