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noun | noun | noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
data ['deɪtə] n
gen. datum 的复数,美国也作单数用数据; 参数; 技术特性性能; 详细的技术情报; 已知条件; 线
agric., stat. 记录
anim.husb. 技术特性性能; 线
avia. 诸元; 信息; 特性; 已知数; 论据; 基准面; 〔客〕数据
busin. 知识
China, law 数据资料
desert. 资料 (单数:datum); 数据 (单数:datum)
dril. 数据采集和技术分析系统
el. 基准线[面]; 数据[资料]
hydroel.st. 数据; 资料
math. 数字; 事实
met. 基点; 基线; 基准 (From the data in Table 6, it can be seen that both the amount of steel melt filtered and the removal efficiency of non-metallic inclusions are satisfactory. 由表 6 给出的数据可以看出,无论是过滤的钢水量还是非金属夹杂物去除效率都令人满意。)
space 基准线[面]; 已知数; 诸元
telecom. 资料 (data 原为 datum 的复数形式,但在美国英语中已将 data 用作单数,甚至还出现 datums 和 datas 等用法)
data ['deɪtə] n
econ. datum 的复数数据; 按日计算工资
expl. 【计】数据; 日期
sport. 数据; 资料
datum ['deɪtəm] n
gen. ; 资〔材〕料; 诸元; 特性; 基准点,线,面; 读数基准 (起点)
archit. 材料
bridge. 基准分
econ. 给定数值
expl. 【测】基点
hydroel.st. 信息
tech. 数据; 资料
data ['deɪtə] v
expl. ; 断定年代; 预约; 追溯; 始于
data ['deɪtə] adj.
econ. 包含日期的
 English thesaurus
data ['deɪtə] abbr.
abbr., avia. link automatic terminal information system
mil., logist. A data is the conventional representation of a piece of information, in the analog or digital form, allowing the analyst to process it. A structured data is a data whose semantic characteristics and possibly its logical ones, are clearly defined. The characteristics of a weapon system size, speed, etc. are structured data, unlike a video document or a rough text that is composed of non structured data. (FRA)
DATA ['deɪtə] abbr.
abbr., el. disorder activated transverse acoustic phonon
Data ['deɪtə] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. D (OS/2 Planner); .dta (file name extension)
comp., net., abbr. D
DATA ['deɪtə] abbr.
abbr. Datatrak International, Inc.; Debt Aid Trade For Africa; Debt Aids And Trade For Africa; Disability Action Training And Advocacy; Do As Time Allows; Defense Air Transport Administration; Defense Air Transportation Administration; Dumb Ass Tiny Android
abbr., ed. Desires, Aptitudes, Talents, and Assets
abbr., nautic., scient. Depth, Air, Time, and Awareness
abbr., progr., IT Distributed Access Teaching Assistant
DATA ['deɪtə] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. display automated telemetry analyzer
abbr., oil digital acquisition and technical analysis (system)
data engineering
: 143 phrases in 21 subjects
Earth sciences19
Engineering geology3
Information technology1
Oil / petroleum5
Steel production1
United States1
Wind Energy3