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cpr abbr.
interntl.trade. 股份公司; 企业股份.有限公司
 English thesaurus
cpr abbr.
O&G copper
progr. counts per revolution (отсчетов на оборот, мера разрешения угловых энкодеров vasuk)
cpr. abbr.
abbr. copyrighted
abbr., econ. corporation
CPR abbr.
abbr. Committee on Polar Research; Coffee Provides Resuscitation; Chairman's Program Recommendations; Command Performance Review (or Report); controlled products regulations (dms); Construction Products Regulation (Ace Translations Group); contingency, priority, and risk (XeniyaX); Canadian Pacific Railway; Chinese People's Republic; chlorophenyl red; complete read-out; constant parent regression; civil procedure rules
abbr., agric. Columbian Plymouth Rock
abbr., auto. collision pulse recorder
abbr., avia. Casper, Wyoming USA; compressor pressure ratio; chirp-to-power ratio; cost-performance ratio; circular polarization ratio; coherent pulse radar; computer program request; contract performance report; crack propagation rate; critical problem report; customer problem report
abbr., biol. Candidate Phyla Radiation (YNell)
abbr., busin. corporation
abbr., Canada Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (Нормы, относящиеся к контролируемым видам продукции, в Канаде MORaTi)
abbr., chem., scient. Catch Photograph And Release
abbr., commer. Chairman's Program Recommendation
abbr., earth.sc. circularly polarized to the right; cobourg peninsula reserve; Community Plankton Respiration; constant percent rule
abbr., econ. Council of Permanent Representatives (Совет постоянных представителей Азери)
abbr., ed., scient. Course Progress Report
abbr., el. call processor; chloride close-proximity reactor; common pulse-signaling receiver; constant packet rate; constant percentage resolution; control program for real-time; current page register; cut paraboloidal reflector; cyclotron parametric resonance
abbr., electr.eng. commercial power reactor
abbr., file.ext. Presentation (Corel Presents)
abbr., inet. Coffee Provides Refreshment
abbr., IT Computerized Patient Record; cross polar ratio
abbr., lab.law. Confidential Performance Report (Пахно Е.А.)
abbr., law Code Of Professional Responsibility; Conflict Prevention and Resolution (Tatiana S)
abbr., Makarov. concrete pavement restoration
abbr., med. cardiopulmonary resuscitation (spanishru); C-reactive Protein; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; curved planar reformat (harser); Curved Planar Reconstruction (Natalya Rovina); cardiopulmonary resuscitation (MichaelBurov); cerebroplacental ratio (spanishru); cerebral-cortex perfusion rate; chlorpromazine hydrochloride; Committee on Patient's Rights; cortison production rate; current population report; cardiopulmonary resuscitation (серцево-легенева реанімація Anuvadak)
abbr., media. Community Power Radio
abbr., met. casting pressing rolling
abbr., mil. Combat Power Radio
abbr., mil., avia. chief parachute rigger
abbr., mil., WMD cost performance report; cost performance Report/Review
abbr., nautic., scient. Continuous Plankton Recorder
abbr., nucl.pow. corporate peer review (ВосьМой)
abbr., O&G cardiac pulmonary resuscitation
abbr., O&G, sakh. Completions Performance Review
abbr., oil Consolidated Permit Regulations; cost per repair; casing pressure regulator; casing pressure relief; casing properties ratio; chemical paraffin remover; composite production riser; constrained pressure residual; continuous property record; Copper River Meridian (Alaska)
abbr., oncol., med. Cancer Progress Report
abbr., plann. common property resource
abbr., relig. Cultivate Plant And Reap
abbr., scottish Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation; Common Practice Round
abbr., securit. constant prepayment rate
abbr., space carrier performance rating; chemical propulsion rocket; coherent-pulse radar; compressible periodic rocket; crack-propagation rate
abbr., st.exch. Competent Person's Report (Kenny Gray)
abbr., tech. Construction Product Regulation (Регламент ЕС № 305/2011 Конструкционные и строительные материалы fa158)
abbr., tradem. Condominium Property Regime
chem., abbr. Corrosion penetration rate
mil., abbr. chief of public relations; civilian personnel records; civilian personnel regulations; clothing pattern repository; combat power ratio; consolidated progress report; continuing property records; contract procurement request; contractor performance record; crew provisioning report
tech., abbr. changing pulse radar; critical power ratio
Cpr abbr.
abbr. pseudoreduced compressibility
CpR abbr.
abbr., el. process capability index
: 4 phrases in 1 subject